24 Hours: Part 2

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"Let's go get you cleaned up," I suggested, kissing all over her face and rubbing up and down her naked hip.

"Only if you carry me," she whispers on my lips. I playfully protest but she knew I'd do it.

There was something so intimate about cleaning someone up, besides there being no barrier of clothing. They put their trust in you to be able to touch all of them and be as rough or as gentle as you wanted to. I love watching the soap I had covered her body with run off her soft pale skin, leaving a light floral scent that followed to the bedsheets.

She had already stepped out of the bathroom in her towel, while I stayed in the hot shower a little longer to soothe my muscles.

"Hey, where's that shirt Liberty gave you last week? The black one with a band on it?" She pokes her head in to say.

The band that she spoke of was Bikini Kill and it had gone home with Natasha just a few nights before.

"Uh... I don't know, I don't think I remember that one," I lie, "but it might be in the hamper."

She agrees and shuts the door behind her, it was my cue to finish up.

I took my time getting ready in the bathroom, making sure to rub the lotion all the way in and on every inch of my body, brushed my hair to near perfect, and did nightly skincare.

"You should skip work more often if this is what it's going to be like," I comment, stepping out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, she was sitting on the bed facing away from me, her breathing heavy, "Wanda?"

She stood up and turned around, I could now see that her eyes were red from crying.

"You're a fucking liar," she screamed angrily, throwing a nearby object that just barely missed my head.

"Wanda what are you-" she interrupted me by shoving a phone in my face. It was Natasha's pictures and my responses to her throughout the day. "Baby please I can-"

"The question is simple, did you sleep with her? yes or no?"

There was no use in lying, the proof was in her hand, "Yes, but Wanda I love you," I try to get closer to her but she pushed me away and made her way to get her things, "I love you Wanda, please listen to me."

"Who is she?" She stops and turns around, in my phone Natasha was Nat but Wanda knew me to call her Miss Romanoff. It was a strange situation so, of course, she wouldn't suspect I was sleeping with my boss.

"I- I can't tell you that," I stutter, not wanting to bring Natasha or possibly even Rose into this.

"Fuck you, I fucking hate you," she yells pushing me back, tears flowing down her face.

I hated seeing her that way, I was desperate to keep her, making me drop to my knees and hold on to her leg to stop her from moving anymore.

"Please Wanda, I'll move to New York with you. I'll get a regular job and stay there with you so we can have our kids and get married just please don't go-" I pleaded but she wasn't hearing any of it, she already had her things slung over her shoulder, her hair was still wet and she didn't care to change out of the sleep clothes she was in.

She managed to pull her leg away, making me fall onto my hands.

"I hate you, Y/N Sterling, I fucking hate you," she says ripping the silver necklace off of her neck and throwing it on the ground in front of me.

"I love you," I say with tears in my eyes, making sure she was looking at me.

She stormed out just as Brian was coming in with flowers in his hands. I didn't even see his reaction, I just heard him drop the flowers and run to me. He didn't have to ask what happened, he already knew.

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