La La Lu

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"Hi Miss Maximoff, how was Rose today?" I ask as she approaches me.

"She was good, she's learning addition quickly," She smiles at the little girl.

"And... how were you today?" I flirt. She looks back up at me and smiles.

"Much better now," She responds. A parent calls her over, interrupting our flirty eye contact "I'll see you tomorrow?" I smile and nod.

"Rosey, can I tell you a secret?" I say to the little girl as we walk. "Yeah," she giggles.

"I like your teacher," I whisper and she giggles even more.

"I like my teacher too, she's nice," She says innocently. "Morgan's teacher looks mean but he's actually really nice too," She says. I stop dead in my tracks realizing that I forgot Morgan and run back with Rose in my arms so we get there faster.

"Oh, there she is," Miss Maximoff says to Morgan as they sat and waited, she was the last one there. The little girl was obviously upset at me, her face said it all.

"Sorry Morgan," I lower down to her level but she turns away from me.

"I don't think she'll forgive you," Maximoff jokes.

"Well if you hadn't distracted me," I laugh.

"How did I distract you?" She fakes offended. Morgan, though still upset, pulls on my shirt signaling that she was ready to go.

"I'll see you tomorrow...Miss Maximoff."


Most of the kids had already been picked up as closing time was approaching, which was when Carol and I started gossiping.

"How did Saturday go?" She asks.

"I completely forgot to tell you," I startle her with my random burst of energy, "He is not the G in LGBT," Her jaw drops.

"Is one of them transitioning into a woman?" She asks trying to make sense of what I said.

"No, he's married to the woman who birthed that," I point to Rose, who was too busy coloring to be paying attention to our conversation.

"Speaking of the LGBT, what's up with that teacher?" Carol changes the subject.

"We're starting to talk more like friends, and I've gotten more comfortable in letting her know I'm interested," I say answering the knock at the door. My body goes cold when I see the person behind it.

"Hi sweetheart," She says, I was speechless from her presence and just move over for her to come in.

"Y/N," I hear Kate say before the door closed. I look over to Carol for permission to leave.

"There's only 2 more left, go," She whispers to me. I quickly grab my things and manage to make it out the door before Rose and her mother.

"You have no idea what you just saved me from," I run and hug Kate. "Y/N, Y/N," I hear Rose's little running steps approaching me. "Nevermind," I sigh.

"Can you come play with me and momma?" She asks. Her mother looks up at me and quirks her eyebrow.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow, we can play then,"

"Awe but I won't get to play with you," The woman playfully pouts, making me blush.

"You look very familiar," Kate says, saving me from having to think up a response.

"Do I?"

"Do you know a woman named Eleanor Bishop?" Kate asks, focusing hard on where she recognized her from.

"I can't say that I do," she laughs, "let's go, Rose, Looks like Y/N doesn't want to play with us,"

The little girl starts throwing a tantrum, I look at the mother whose smile said she did it on purpose.

"Rose, I do want to play with you but I have to go home with my friend," I try to comfort.

"I'm your friend too," She whines. I couldn't find a way to respond to that. I look at the mother with defeat.

"My husband left for a business trip this morning and I have some work to finish up. Do you think you can put her to bed?" She asks an offer I couldn't say no to now that the girl was making more of a scene. I look over at Kate, who looked bothered by the screams of the little human.

"You gonna make it home okay?"

"Yeah I didn't bring my car though, can I borrow yours?" Kate asks. I already felt bad for blowing her off so I passed her the keys.

"You can ride with us and I'll call you a car to take you back home," she smiles smugly, "that is if you want to go home after," she whispers close to my ear.


The ride was quiet apart from Rose's singing and the occasional 'that was beautiful, good job' from her mother.

She did as she said and was in her office working, I gave Rose her dinner and got her ready for bed. Thankfully all the crying and screaming made her tired and she was in bed half an hour before bedtime.

"Sing to me," she demanded, half asleep.

"Which one?"

"La La Lu," she says in a yawn.

La la lu, La la lu

Oh my little star sweeper

I'll sweep the stardust for you.

La la lu, La la lu

Little soft, fluffy sleeper

Here comes a pink cloud for you.

La la lu, La la lu

Little wandering angel, Fold up your wings, Close your eyes

La la lu, La la lu And may love be your keeper

La la lu, La la lu, La la lu.

There now, little star sweeper, Dream on.

"That was beautiful," the raspy voice whispers from the door. I look over to see if Rose was asleep, which she was, and walk past the woman to go out into the hallway. "Looks like it's our playtime," she says, stepping closer to me.

"Miss Rogers-"



"It's not Rogers. I didn't take his last name, my last name is Romanoff but you can just call me Natasha," she says.

"Miss Romanoff... I don't think it's very appropriate for us to-" I hit the wall, running out of space to take a step back for every step forward she took.

"For us to what?" She asks, leaning her hands on the wall behind me. I could feel the heat on my face and wondered how red I must be. She smiles and backs away. "Come, let's have a drink," she says, descending down the stairs.

I watch as she grabs two glasses and a bottle of whiskey, she pours the dark liquid into one glass and puts the bottle away. She then opens the fridge and pulls out apple juice which she pours into the other glass.

"You didn't think I was going to give you alcohol, did you?" She teases as she slides over the glass.

I didn't feel I could keep anything down from the nerves, but I took a sip not to be rude. "So you're a singer?"

"I guess you can call it that," I say awkwardly avoiding her eyes.

"I hope we can get past what happened the other night, Rose adores you and you're a great help," It goes quiet but I could still feel her eyes on me."You think I'm terrible for cheating on my husband," She finally says.

"I-It's really none of my business. I promise I won't tell him," I reassure her. She flashes me a smile.

"And I won't tell anyone you sneak into clubs to drink," she winks.

"Technically we were invited," I correct, feeling a little more comfortable around her. 

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