Grippy Socks

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Wanda was a deep sleeper and what made it worst was the jetlag. She had come back from Sokovia 3 days ago and had been sleeping throughout the day but I'd found ways to keep her awake.

I kiss her face to gently wake her up. She stirs awake, an instant smile tugs at her lips when she sees me.

"Good morning my love," I whisper, fluttering more kisses on her face to fully wake her up. I roll on top of her kiss down her neck.

"Mmm, you seem to be in a good mood... again," She giggles. I didn't want to tell her about Brian's gift until I was absolutely sure of their decision whether they cast me or not.

"Of course I am, I've woken up next to the woman I love."

She rolls us around and kisses down my already naked body.

"Let me show you how much I love you," She whispers before latching onto my clit. She swirls her tongue around and catches all my juices.

I'm briefly broken out of the pleasure when my phone vibrates. I quickly decline it and focus back on what Wanda's doing to me.

She sticks her tongue into my entrance and moans spill out of my mouth.

I groan as my phone starts ringing again, I look at the name this time. Miss Romanoff.

"I need to take this," I whine. Despite my answering, she sticks her fingers inside me, torturously moving them at a quick pace.

"Y/N? I know you had the morning off but I really need you," She answers.

"I-I Okay," I try to say normally but it comes out breathlessly. The continuous pleasure from Wanda's moving fingers causes a slight moan to escape my mouth.

"Are you Okay Sweetheart?" She asks genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine, Oh fuck-" I let out accidentally as I start reaching my peak, "I have to- I have to go," I moan and hang up fast so I could freely express the way Wanda was making me feel.

I tightly hold onto her hair and pull her face closer while I raise my hips.

"Yes baby just like that, oh fuck," I scream.

She slowly makes her way up, stopping briefly at my breast to suck light purple marks on each one.

"Who was that?" She says lowly after pecking my lips.

"Miss Romanoff, I think she said she wanted me to come in after all," I try to say, catching my breath.

We both get up and get ready, which took longer than usual since I decided to return the favor in the shower. She makes it out of the door first because she had a meeting in the morning.


The sound of Rose's tantrums echoes in the house as well as Miss Romanoff and Mister Rogers plead for her to stop.

I follow the sound of the cries and make it to her bedroom which was a mess from the things she was throwing on the ground. I knew since the moment I was hired that her parents were pushovers and spoiled her but that wasn't the case with me.

I watch for a while and watch as she continues to throw things on the ground and scream, she turns around and when she spots me she quiets down.

"Can you use your words and tell me why you're acting like this?" I say in a gentle but firm way. She looks down and shakes her head no. "What do we say when we are having a bad day and we don't know why?"

"I am feeling very tired right now, may I please have some alone time," She says to her parents. It seems like the jetlag had gotten to her too. I imagine though that for a child it takes longer to get used to the change.

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