24 Hours: Part 1

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A/N: Muahaha 🦹🏻‍♀️

This is certainly not what I expected to come from this whole situation, it became a lot more complicated than I wanted it to be. 

Brian hadn't told Wanda about Natasha and I knew he wouldn't but we still weren't talking. Wanda and I texted back and forth but I needed her with me.

I took a couple of explicit pictures in the tall mirror I had been forced to look at myself in just the night before, feeling far more confident doing it there.

Maybe, just maybe I could send these to both of them.

Natasha was busy looking after Rose, but it was late enough for her to have already put her to bed. Certainly, she wouldn't come over without an excuse to give her husband so why not just send them to her also.

Wanda came over as soon as she got them, we took Monday off together to stay in bed and do it over and over many times. I gave Natasha the excuse that I too wasn't feeling well, telling her that Rose might've passed it on since we do share a lot of food.

7:00 am

It was the next day but I was still riding the high I had from the days before.

My lips molded into Wanda's as soon as we were both awake enough.

"What's gotten into you?" She giggles, temporarily breaking away.

"I guess your prescribed kisses finally kicked in," I joke, slowly sliding my hand down the front of her shorts. She slaps my hand away before I got low enough.

"I don't think I have the energy for any more this morning," she groaned in disappointment. I respected her wishes but that didn't stop me from tasting her delicious strawberry lips.

"Will you ever take this off?" Wanda jokes as she toyed with the necklace she gave me and laid on my chest.

"Not as long as I love you," I say turning to my side to be closer to her, "or unless I take it to the jeweler." I joke and make her laugh.

"I guess it's only fair I do the same," She gets up to fetch the necklace out of her jewelry box. It didn't always match what she wore and I didn't mind that she took it off. she had it carefully stored away until she wore it on our dates or at a fancy school event.

She sat on the bed and handed me the necklace so I could place it on her.

"Don't take it off until you stop loving me," I say with a childlike pout.

"In that case, I don't think it will ever come off," She smiles, kissing away my pout. I pull her back onto me, deepening our kiss.

"You're going to make us late," she laughed.

8:30 am

"Hey kiddo, you feeling better?" I asked Rose as I lift her up and spun her around, before setting her on my hip.

"Yeah, it was just a little cold," she said, her voice a lot better than the last time we spoke over the phone when she asked to speak to me. "Mama said you were sick too."

"I'm a lot better now," I said setting her down in the chair as soon as we reached the kitchen.

"Rose honey, go get your new backpack from daddy. I'm sure you'll love it," she sings the last couple of words. Rose jumps up and runs upstairs, screaming for her father to show her the new backpack.

When Rose was out of sight, she shoots me a smirk and pulls me in by the waist—slowly inching our lips together.

"I'll get you sick," I joke, slightly pulling away.

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