Oh Christmas Tree

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A/N: What kind of Music should Y/N sing? I've already put some songs in but obvi we're not doing country lol. Should we do pop? rock? All?

"Lookit," Rose says lifting her drawing, made up of blue and pink, "It's a bunny," she states proudly. She had drawn it many times for me after hearing Brian's nickname for me.

"Woah, you're such a good artist," I compliment, grabbing the drawing from her hand. "This reminds me, Can I give you your gift before you go?"

"Yes, Yes!" she jumps up. She follows me out to my car and watches with excitement as I pull the box from my backseat. I let her carry it back inside and she sits in front of the Christmas tree. "Can I open it?" She asks not being able to leave it alone.

"Of course."

She lifts the top and pulls out all the paper covering the gift, she gasps when she finally sees the toy.

"My Bunny!" She jumps up, lifting the toy.

Brian helped me remake the bunny in the pictures. We gave it a satin stomach, fluffy ears, and cute button eyes. Brian also insisted we embroider a fancy R on one foot and a Rose on the other.

I was glad she liked it so much, she took it upstairs and immediately set it up in her tea party table. I giggled at how she knocked her American girl doll off the chair to make space for it.

"We're home," Mister Rogers announces from downstairs. Rose quickly grabs her new toy by the ear and runs to show it off. They smile at how happy she was. 'Thank you,' Miss Romanoff mouths.

"Have fun on your trip Rosey, I'll see you in a week," I bend down to hug her.

"You aren't coming?" She asks.

"No, I have to stay here and tell Santa that you're in Italy so he can take your presents there."

She smiles at that and makes sure to tell me to put the milk and cookies out.

"Do you want to give Y/N her present Rose?" Miss Romanoff asks, she runs to the study and I follow with Miss Romanoff. Out of a bookshelf pulls out a small black box tied together with a bow.

"You didn't have to-"

"We wanted to," Miss Romanoff interrupts, gesturing for me to open it. "Rose picked it out."

I open the lid to reveal a beautiful gold bracelet decorated with a mother of pearl butterfly, I had seen it in a catalog once and knew it had to be expensive. 'VCA' read the clasp, for Van Cleef & Arpels. My eyes flutter as I realize just how expensive it was.

"Do you like it?" Rose asks, petting the head of the bunny.

"I-I-" was all I could manage to stutter.

"I think she likes it," Miss Romanoff whispers, "Go to daddy Rosey, he's going to show you the new dresses we got you," The girl prances out humming. She slowly grabs the bracelet from my hand and clasps it on.

"I love it, thank you," I say lowly, looking up at her. She runs her thumb over the butterfly and brings it up to kiss it.

I slowly wrap my arms around her waist to bring her closer. Somehow for a moment, there was no memory in my mind but those I have with her.

"Mommy!" Rose screams in the hall. In a blink, everything comes back to me, her husband, My Wanda, and all the many other reasons why it was wrong to be involved with her.

I clear my throat and slowly back away from her as the little footsteps get closer.

"I can't find my pink flip-flops," Rose complains when she opens the door.

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