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"Hey, thanks for coming," Miss Romanoff greets me, and moves aside for me to come in. "Do you want something to drink?"

"Sure," I actually didn't but it would be rude not to accept. She grabbed 2 wine glasses and poured some of the red liquid into both.

"I was expecting apple juice," I joke.

"Well if you'd prefer that.." she laughs and points to the fridge.

"I just wasn't expecting it is all," I looked at her glass and hesitated to drink mine.

"Don't worry, I won't kiss you this time," she smirks, I mentally slap myself for being so sure that she wouldn't remember. "The afternoon is still a little blurry but thank you for taking Rose," I only nod in response. "I doubt your girlfriend approved of that kiss," she says mockingly.

The mention of Wanda suddenly reminded me of our breakup and overwhelmed me with a thirst that could only be suppressed by alcohol. I raised the glass to my lips and finished it with only a couple of gulps.

"Trouble in paradise?" She pours me another glass with a smirk.

"Mmm that reminds me, I'll be taking a trip in 2 months. It'll only be a week, I was hoping it was okay," I say, perfectly avoiding her question.

"Sure, where are you going?"

"California, I got the tickets for Christmas," I didn't want to tell her about the audition, deep down I felt she would also get mad at me. She hums in understanding. "Where are you guys going?"

"Steve's taking Rose to Hawaii for the week, He has a business meeting out there and thought it would be nice to take her. I'm not going."

"But Valentine's Day is this week," I say, confused as to why her husband wouldn't want to be back for that, especially having such a beautiful woman as his wife.

"We don't ever celebrate it anyway," she shrugs.

Maybe she was just acting like it didn't bother her or maybe she actually didn't but either way, I thought it was sad that her husband hadn't set aside a day to treat her extra special. Men do the absolute minimum and somehow manage to get themselves someone like her: beautiful, intelligent, and most importantly, interesting.

Most of the women in this town came from the same privileged background and were still stuck reliving their peak high school days.

She had always been beautiful, which I knew from snooping in the photo albums that were kept on a high shelf in the study, but yet every time I see her she seemed more beautiful than the last.

"Maybe we can do something?"

"Haven't you made plans with your girlfriend ?" She questions, looking down at the necklace. She did that a lot.

"She'll be out of town," I lie, I really need to stop doing that.

"Are you flirting with me?" She teases.

"No," I laugh.

"Why not?" She quirks an eyebrow, I could tell it was one of her jokes.

"Because you're married Miss Romanoff," I scoff a laugh.

"Was I not married when you called me mommy?" She asks sarcastically.

"My relationship wasn't as serious then."

"And now?"

I lift the glass to my lips and look at her as I take a sip to let her know that I was purposefully dodging the question.

"Aren't we supposed to be packing?"

She chuckles lightly and walks around the counter to where I was sitting and rests her hand on my thigh. "What are we going to do on Valentine's day?"

The situation isn't ideal, there were many reasons not to open my mouth to say anything but I was heartbroken and looking for an escape. Even if that wasn't the case, I was extremely attracted to her since we met and she and her husband were already cheating on each other, what damage would I do by flirting that isn't already done.

"Anything you'd like," I whisper but.... I wasn't a complete asshole and homewrecker. "But I was thinking movies and lots of food."

"Are you on the menu?" She says lowly and seductively as she steps between my legs and wraps her hands around my waist. She slowly inches forward and rests her forehead on mine. "Can I kiss you?" She asks in a whisper.

I nod, pushing my nose with hers as she tilts her head a little to line up our lips. However, we had been too slow in our build-up, and just as our top lips brushed together the sound of the door unlocking made us both move back. We didn't rush to move away from each other though, her hands lingered on my hips for a while, dropping them slowly when the tiny footsteps ran towards us.

"Lookit, momma," Rose turns around to show her the haircut and a stripe of blue in her hair.

"Oh, daddy is in trouble," Miss Romanoff laughs picking up the girl to attack her with kisses.

"It's just hair chalk," he defends with a bright smile as he approaches. They greet each other with a kiss, which made me want to roll my eyes.

Rose kicks her way out of her mother's arms indicating to her that she wanted to get down. Once her feet were planted on the floor she runs over to me and lifts her arms for me to pick her up.

"Daddy's taking me to the beach far away in Hawaii," she tells me, "Momma bought me books about Hawaii, Aloha means Hello and goodbye, that's so silly," she giggles.

"How will people know the difference?" I gasp dramatically.

"So Y/N what are you doing here?" Mister Rogers asks nervously scratching the back of his neck. Although we had somewhat gone back to our normal ways, he still got anxious when I was left alone with Miss Romanoff out of fear that I might tell her what I saw.

"Just wanted to say bye before you left me for a week," I answer his question but direct my response to Rose as I squeeze her tightly into a hug.

He hums and walks away, giving Miss Romanoff the excuse that he needed to make sure he had everything.

"Okay, I have to go now but have fun. I already miss you," I say to Rose as I lower her back onto the ground.

"I miss you, I love you," she sings in a high note and hugs around my leg.

Miss Romanoff walks me to the door and to my surprise hugs me. "Text me about our plans," she says, her arms still around my neck. I nod, knowing that if I try to audibly say yes that it would only come out as a stutter. "can't wait," she says and plants a kiss on my cheek.

My stomach was filled with butterflies when I got back in the car and I couldn't stop smiling on the drive back home.

It wasn't until I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth that I caught a glimpse of the 'W' and wondered whether or not I should take it off.

I loved Wanda, and I was sure of that but she had an unreasonable reaction to what I told her, one I didn't fully understand. Maybe I should talk to her? But why should I be the one to reach out?

I decided to wait and give her time, I was going to keep the necklace on because whether she wanted me or not, I was still hers. Since we wouldn't see each other at school pick up for a week and Valentine's Day was only a few days away, I decided to mail her a gift. I wanted her to know that I still cared. 

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