This ones for you

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"Did you see her?" Celia asked laying her head on my bare chest as she played with my fingers.

"Yeah," I sigh, "she wasn't as scary anymore."

"Did you stand up to her?"

"In my own way," I laugh, pulling her up so I could see her face. Wanting to paint it in my mind to take away Natashas. "Do you think you can stay the night?" I ask pushing her hair back.

"I wish I could but if I'm late, filming is late and that means more money."

"They can afford it," I laugh and plant a kiss on her lips. She smiles wide but suddenly as if she remembered something it dropped.

"Do you like me?" She asks.

"Of course, honey, should I show you how much I do again?" I joke but she didn't laugh or even crack a smile.

"I know why you fly to New York often," She says softly and not at all confrontational.

"I do-"

"Please don't act like you don't know, I know you let a woman stay in your penthouse, and I know you visit her almost every month."

"Celia, I promise I haven't slept with her. She's an old friend, it's nothing more. You have to believe me." I say almost pleadingly.

"I think we should break up," She says bluntly.

"You don't really mean that." I wait for her to tell me it was some sort of joke, that she didn't mean it, "Celia?"

"I know you only asked me out because the story was coming out," She confesses, "but I didn't care, because I actually liked you. Not because you're Y/N Star or anything, but because I could see Y/N Sterling behind the whole act. The real you, the you I know now."

"Are you disappointed? Is that why you're leaving me," I say annoyed as I pull on my clothes.

"No, you're exactly what I expected and what I wanted," She says softly.

"Then why are you breaking up with me?" I yell out of frustration, immediately regretting it when I saw her face. "I'm sorry," I apologize, falling to my knees and grabbing her hand. "I didn't cheat on you Darling, I promise. Please don't leave me. I think I Lo-" I think I love you. But that was a lie I couldn't dare speak. Not to her. Not to my Celia.

"You can't even say it," her voice cracks, tears now streaming down her face.

"Please Celia, I want to be with you," I beg.

"I'm in love with you," she confesses, "and I know you don't love me and that's okay. I will settle by your side as a friend, even if it hurts me."

"I don't want that, I want you, I want you, Celia. I can love you, I can make myself love you."

"That isn't how it works Y/N," She says wiping her tears away, "sometimes you're too good at playing a part that even you forget it isn't real."

I think for a moment about what she's said. Is that what happened here? Did I become obsessed with getting rid of my past that I made up a fantasy reality? She was the perfect person to play my perfect girlfriend.

"We can keep up this stunt until the movie is out if you want but-" I interrupt her by giving her a hug. I feel like I owe it to her, that I need it from her.

We stayed there, tangled up for the rest of the afternoon. Neither of us spoke a word, we cried together, we enjoyed each other's company, and then it was time for her to go.

I drove her to the airport, the same silence following us there.

"Will you come to see me when you get back?" I ask sheepishly as she begins to get out of the car.

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