Little White Lies

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Wanda pov:

It was light the first time, it was astonishing how I even noticed it. Maybe it was chapstick or clear lip gloss, but it was certainly there. The second time was more obvious, she tried to rub it off but the red also stained her wrist.

I couldn't help but feel that I was losing her but I wasn't letting her go that easy. I questioned whether I was overreacting or not, maybe she had gone past the club and one of the queens kissed her wrist. I didn't ask her about it though fearing that she would actually tell me that she was cheating on me. Admittedly I looked at her notifications every time it buzzed but it was always Kate, Brian, or Miss Romanoff. I tried so many times to catch her in the act by showing up randomly and having her stay with me, thinking that in some way she'd leave a clue but it never came. Maybe this was just in my head.

I unlocked the door to her apartment and immediately kicked my shoes off.

"Wanda is that you?" Y/N calls out from out of sight.

"Um.. yeah," I respond, slowly following her voice. I could hear an adorable giggle and could only assume Rose was with her. It was strange to interact with her out of school and debate going home.

"Miss Maximoff," the girl screams with a huge smile on her face.

"Rose? What are you doing here?" I giggle, truly directing my question to Y/N. 'Later' she mouths.

We kiss hello which seems to blow Rose's mind.

I expected her to ask some innocent child-like question like 'girls kiss?' But instead, she said something far more hilarious.

"You're cheating on Mister Forster?" Rose gasps.

"No, Brian and I are just friends but I really like Miss Maximoff," she teases.

"Like as a best friend?" The little blonde girl asks.

"Like as a girlfriend," she tickles her. She was great with kids, she knew exactly how to talk to them so they would respect her but also be their best friend. She pushes her hair to one side and that's when I saw it, a red stain on her neck, she tried to wipe it off but it was such a rich color that it would take more than what she tried. Her lips also had a faint stain of it as well. For the time being, I tried to ignore it.

Finally, Rose leaves us to use the bathroom.

"Maybe I should go, I don't think seeing her outside of school like this is very.. appropriate," I say to her.

"No, I'd like you to stay actually. I need to talk to you."

Her seriousness took me aback, I began to spiral thinking about what she was going to say. I stayed in her bedroom for the remaining time of Rose's visit until her dad picked her up.

"Wanda," she calls for me once the door shut.

I nervously shuffle out but had put on revealing PJs to distract her.

"Yes, y/n," I say seductively.

"Come sit," she crosses her legs and taps the seat on the couch next to her. It surprised me that she just ignored my advances but I tried more anyway. I rubbed her thigh and smirked at her but still, nothing changed her demeanor.

She unclasps the bracelet from my wrist and held it out for me to put it on her without a word.

"May I ask why you wanted to wear this bracelet today?" She asked looking at me deep in the eyes, it was the kind of look that would make you admit to doing a crime you didn't commit.

"I just thought it was pretty," I smile. She sighs and leans back in the seat to get more comfortable.

"Let's try that again and let me clarify that this time I want the truth," she glares at me, how the hell did she even know I was lying. "Why did you want to wear it?"

I sigh deeply and take a moment to think of the perfect sentence to explain myself.

"What's yours is mine because you're mine," I quirk an eyebrow.

"Why was it so important then to question a 4-year-old about whether they actually gifted it to me or not," she crosses her arms.

Fuck, I should've known Rose might've brought it up, I did ask her an annoying amount of times but I just wanted to be sure she knew what I was asking.

"Did you think I lied to you?"

"It had lipstick stains on it, the same color that's on your neck right now," I say through my teeth, her face was unchanging.

"And instead of asking you assumed... what? That I was cheating on you?"

"How are you going to explain lipstick on your neck?"

Her lips tug into a lazy smile and she sighs, but just stares at me for a while.

"Well?" I was starting to get impatient. She stands and searches for something in her bag, I saw a flash of gold but couldn't figure out what she grabbed.

She sat back down with a smug smile on her face and pulled off the cap to what I now knew to be lipstick. She turned it all the way to reveal the scarlet red color and then pulls out her phone. The facetime chimes ring for a short time until someone answers.

"Hey, what's up?" Brian answered, the loud club music silenced as he closed the door to his office.

"Hey, this is the lipstick you want me to wear for the next show?" She asked. My face dropped and got hot from embarrassment.

"Yeah and remember, I want it to look like kisses so outline them or have Jolene kiss you with it on," he explains.

"Oh, like this?" She lifts her neck and outlines the shape of lips with the red.

"Perfect, just like that."

"Gotcha, okay that's all, be home for dinner?"

"Not today, I have to supervise a new hire," He responds, they say their goodbyes and hang up.

I was unable to look at her but I could feel her burning stare.

"I love you, Wanda," She says softly. All my doubts melted away with those words.

I jumped to straddle her and kissed her harshly. She kisses back but not with as much hunger as I had.

"You don't think I'm going to reward you after that, do you?" her eyes were dark and it made me want her more.

"I'm sorry, just please-" I beg, rocking my hips trying to get more pressure.

She lays us down on the couch and puts her knee in between my legs.

"I love seeing you like this," She moans moving her leg to give me what I wanted, "begging like the pathetic little slut you are."

"Only for you," I nibble her ear.

"Oh I know," She mockingly pouts, she stops her movement and sits back up.

"No, fuck me please," I beg, feeling a bit ridiculous for doing so but I didn't care, I needed her.

"Not today my love, and you better be glad this is the only punishment I'm giving you," She stands up and leans over me, "next time though, I won't be as forgiving." She whispers.

"Fine, I'll just go home," I say, hoping it would convince her to touch me. She chuckles.

"You are home, Wanda. Now let's go to bed, you must be so tired after a long day of overthinking," She jokes with a mocking smile. I scoff and storm into the bedroom.

Y/N Pov:

So I told a little white lie...  but I couldn't tell Wanda that Miss Romanoff kissed me, she was drunk and it didn't count, and neither did my lie. 

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