Mother Dearest

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"I think I should do a concert at your old club," I confess to Brian.

"I don't think that's a good idea." He sighs.

"Why not? I haven't done anything for months, I want to work again."

"You can call Wren and ask later, for now, let's just focus on what we came here for."

I dropped the conversation, knowing this wasn't any easier on him as it was on me.

The car stopped in front of a familiar building on a familiar road. Thankfully, the trip had been so last minute that the paparazzi didn't know where I would be.

"No way," I laughed, opening the door and looking up at the apartment complex we had lived in when we called this place home.

"This is where we're staying," he says with a big smile on his face, "they turned it into a hotel, can you believe that?" He shook his head.

I marveled at just how much everything had changed. The lobby walls had been covered with lux white patterned wallpaper. The floors had been redone and waxed in a darker wood.

"I have a surprise for you waiting in your room," he said as we rode up the elevator.

"What is it?" I asked.

"If I told you it would ruin the surprise," he says flatly and walks out. I skipped behind him excited about what it could be. "Close your eyes," he instructs before putting the key to the door. I roll my eyes and cover them with my hands.

The enchanting scent of Valmont Verde Erba was a dead giveaway of what.. more precisely who was my surprise.

I gasped and removed my hands spotting her in the middle of the room.

"CICI!!" I squealed like a little girl as I ran and jumped in her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist and making her fall back on the bed. I pecked kisses all over her face, while she uncontrollably laughed. "What about the movie?"

"I got some time off, I wanted to come and see you," She says. Brian quietly slips out of the room predicting that he probably didn't want to see what happened next.

"When did you get back? Why didn't you tell me?" I slap her arm. She rubs it with a playful pout.

I really did miss her. She was the only person I could complain about my life to without making me feel like I was ungrateful, she understood what it was like.

"How long are you staying?" I ask interlacing our hands, ready to take my clothes off whenever she gave me the green light. I needed her to make some thoughts go away, I needed her to remind me of my real life.

"I have to leave tonight," She frowns. "But I wanted to be here for you."

"I'm okay really, but why can't you stay longer? I wanted you to come to a show I'm planning," I pout.

"I'll have Brian call me," She says kissing my cheek.


Celia drove over with us to the office and walked me in when she saw my reluctance.

"I'll wait right here," She said, sitting down in the waiting area. Winking at me as she picked up a fashion magazine with her face on it. "I'll read about my sex life with you," she jokes.

"Miss Sterling, Mister Foster, Please follow me," A young woman, who I can only assume is an intern, says. Celia gives me a nod of encouragement and we walk right in.

'Ellis and Cromwell LLP' was engraved in every piece of office supplies, printed at the top of every page, and proudly displayed on every award plaque. It was one of the best law firms in the state.

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