The Hookup

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 To say that Wren was mad about the club incident was an understatement.

"You're lucky nobody recorded the entirety of your rant but blind items are already saying that you admitted to sleeping with a married woman and that you were with 2 couples," She screamed through the phone.

"Everything they're saying about it is just a rumor," I lied, "I said nothing about sleeping with a married woman. Maybe I quoted Lana del Rey and they misunderstood. It was a straight bar after all."

"You are Y/N Star," She simply replied, "Start acting like it."

Oh yes, that high and mighty celebrity that everyone can't help but love. Her hair is never out of place, her girlfriend is too kind to be true, and she's so out of touch with reality because everything is handed to her. How could allow that Y/N Star ever make a single fucking mistake?

The line went dead before I got a chance to respond. I throw the covers over my head, wanting to scream.

I had failed to apologize to Natasha. Wanda won't answer any of my calls. Celia is too busy to send back a message. Brian had his hands full with his perfectly spoiled daughter.

I was alone in a place that I used to call home, but now everything is so unfamiliar. I ached to be in my too-large home, any one of them: Malibu, Calabasas, even the one in Glendale.

only 1 more week.

I thought to myself, one more week and I can go back and read the scripts from the parts I've been offered or even make new music, maybe even tease a tour. Anything to keep me busy.

Instead of wallowing in my own self-pity, I decided what better to do than go to a coffee shop. The good thing about being in a small city is that most of the cameras around are the citizens. Not many paparazzi were willing to drive an hour out of NYC just for the slight chance of getting a blurry photo of me.

I walked until I found a decent-looking coffee shop. It had a minimal decoration style but seemed cozy enough for me to sit down for a while. It was empty aside from an elderly couple who I doubted would know who I was.

The door opened while I was staring at the menu trying to decide what to get.

"Having trouble deciding?" the woman asked standing next to me. It was simply a friendly question but it made me nervous to think she might've recognized me.

"Uh.. yeah, first time here," I say, looking over at her. Her dark hair was pulled back into an updo and her eyes were covered up by large sunglasses.

"I'll have the usual, two of them please," She says to the cashier and hands over her card. "You'll love it I promise," She says looking back at me.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," I smile graciously, taking out my wallet to pay her back.

"Keep it, Darling," She stops me, I smile at her but take the money out anyway and put it in the tip jar.

"Thank you," I say a bit delayed, remembering how Celia would correct my manners if she were here.

"It's not every day you see a beautiful woman in your favorite coffee shop," She says looking straight ahead at the person making our drinks. I couldn't tell if she was flirting or not.

I was quickly distracted by the plane ticket poking out of her pocket.

"Where are you going?" I ask, pointing to it.

"Not going actually," She laughs pulling it out. "Returning, I've been away on business for a few months and I was supposed to go to Florida but my client canceled, thank god."

I chuckled at how genuinely relieved she was.

"Carter Ellis," She introduces herself, taking her sunglasses off and holding her hand out. I realized then that she has no idea who I was. Her eyes were calm, not like the many other people who have tried to make conversation pretending that they didn't have my pictures hanging on their wall.

"Y/N Sterling," I shake her hand, deciding to use my real name instead.

"Are you busy right now Miss Sterling?" She asks lowly, our hands still connected. My knees went a little weak. She was definitely flirting now.

"I suppose not if you don't want me to be," I dangerously flirt back. It's not like I was going to go home with her.


My body was pressed up against the wall as soon as we had made it inside her lavish house. Her lips pressed firmly onto mine as she walked me back to the living room.

"Just one second," She smiled pulling away. I watched as she strutted away, her ass one of my favorite features on her body but I had a feeling that soon it would be her breast.

Before I could even get into that though, I need her to sign an NDA. Thankfully, upon Wren's request and my lawyers, I carried some in my purse just in case. I started to think of ways of telling her as I heard her heels approaching me once more.

"Be a good girl and sign this, will you?" She holds out a piece of paper and a pen. I laughed when I read what it was for. "Not the first time you've had to sign one of those?" She says, amusement in her voice.

I went into my purse to pull out my form and handed it to her. She couldn't contain her laughter as she read it as well. Without hesitation she signed it.

"You must be a very important person Miss Sterling," She says handing me the pen so I could sign.

"I could say the same for you Miss Ellis," I sign on the dotted line as I usually would autographs: with a star.

"You're adorable," She says standing up to get closer, taking the pen from my hand, and dropping it on the table. "Now that that's over with," She whispers and kisses me hard.

For the rest of our time together, there were no questions about what we did or why we needed those forms signed. It was a mutual understanding that the less we knew about each other, the better. 

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