Slight Problem

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10 years later:

"Mommy wake up," a little voice whined as they shook me.

"I'm up little pea," I giggle, grabbing the girl and pulling her in for a big hug. "Did your momma make breakfast? I smell pancakes," I say lifting her up and heading to the kitchen where the redhead was dancing to music playing on the radio.

"Mommy is having a good morning isn't she," I comment to the girl in my arms, which makes her giggle.

"Oh your up," she says laughing at the surprise of me being there.

"Good morning," I whispered onto her lips before I kissed her.

"Ewww," the little girl says, pushing herself out of my arms.

I put her down and she runs off screen.

"Okay and Cut!" The director screams. "Beautiful, that's a wrap for today, thank you, everyone." She says.

"Wanna go to dinner? I've been hoping to get some alone time with you," my costar, Celia says. This movie was hard enough to film by just having to be in love with a red-headed woman but what made it worse was that Celia had a vague resemblance to my Wanda in the red wig and for that reason, I hadn't allowed myself to get too close to her.

"Sorry, I have to meet with my publicist tonight about an upcoming event, maybe some other time. I'll call you," I lie with a forced smile.

"She was asking you out on a date," Brian says from behind me, holding out a bottle of water as Celia walks away.

"What? No, she wasn't," I laugh, starting the walk back to my trailer. "And if she was, it was simply for publicity."

"Y/N Star, the most desired woman in Hollywood and yet the most clueless," he jokes, I playfully roll my eyes at the use of my stage name.

"I don't need to go on a date, I need to eat," I say opening the door.

"Go on a date with who?" My manager asks excitedly, startling me with his presence inside.

"Celia!" Brian quietly shouts.

"Yes, you have to. It'll be great publicity for this movie," Roger pipes up, waving his finger around.

"Well, your job isn't to think about publicity," I gently remind him.

"No it's mine," my publicist, Wren burst in with a cup of coffee for everyone, "what do I need to fix now?"

"Why must you assume-"

"Her lack of sex life," Roger and Brian say at the same time, making me cock my head back.

"I have sex," I quietly defend with a child-like pout.

"No you don't but it's okay, that's kind of your thing," Wren jokes with a shrug, " you're the sex bomb who doesn't have sex."

"I go nude in one movie and suddenly I'm a sex bomb?"

"To be fair it was basically a porno," Brian says, Roger and Wren shrug to agree with him.

"No, it wasn't! Under the Emerald Moon was a beautiful story about femininity and sex," I explain.

"Yeah, but to anybody attracted to women it was your boobs and moaning."

"You just don't understand art. Anyway..." I change the subject, "what do you think Wren? Should I go on this 'date'?"

"I think Roger is right, actors do it all the time. They date their co-star and it makes even the shit movies box office numbers go up," she explains.

"There's already so much excitement for this movie, it doesn't need a staged relationship," I roll my eyes. I knew that on my name alone it would do great.

Wren and Roger turned to look at each other as if they were hiding something.

"Y/N, uh.... There might be a slight problem," Roger says hesitantly.

"What problem?" I say trying not to get upset, I hated when I was the last to know of something.

"There might be a story coming out tomorrow about some comments the director made," he says nervously.

"Oh god," I spit out, already knowing that if it was a story it had to be bad.

"It isn't worth repeating but people are going to be angry at him and might even boycott his releases, you dating Celia and coming out might just water that down," Wren adds. In interviews I had only ever hinted at my sexuality, nobody ever outright asked me but if they would have I would've answered honestly.

"They're going to see right through this plan, and I won't defend him," I sit on the chair and try to calm down.

"And you don't have to but they run the story tomorrow. Celia asked you out today, they wouldn't suspect that you already knew about it," Brian says eagerly from his seat.

He was right.


Celia was in hair and Makeup, getting out of the costume for the movie when I walked in.

Every stylist turned to look over, stopping the process of taking the pins out of her hair. I give them a nod to indicate for them to leave, Celia looks around confused until she spots me.

"I should've guessed, the Y/N Star always commands the room," She laughs, taking out the pins herself. Strands of her chocolate brown hair fell from them.

"Even in those pins you're still the most beautiful," I say with an adoring smile. It was easy to be attracted to her, she was a model before getting into acting but I was worried about whether I would truly enjoy spending time with her enough to make this time bearable.

She remained silent as a rush of red came up to her cheeks. I took it as an opportunity to get closer, to really make her nervous.

"I want to take you out Celia, Tonight?" I say lowly, steadying myself on her thighs as I kneel down in front of her.

"But what about the-"

"I canceled, I'd much rather spend time with you," I said lifting her chin up. "Will you come with me?"

"Y-yeah," She stutters, wearing an adorable goofy smile.

"Good I'll pick you up," I say lowly as I slowly rise back up to my feet taking her eyes along with me.

At the moment kissing her didn't seem like a big deal, we had kissed on screen before, but when our lips touched it just felt so familiar it felt just like kissing.... Well, that didn't matter. All that mattered was that it felt good. 

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