Fluffy White Cowboy Hats

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In thoughts of being proactive, I thought I would tell my job about my little run-in with the law because working with children needs a lot of clearance. I thought it would be necessary information for them but they fired me.

"Don't worry too much about it Y/N. You'll find a new job eventually," Wanda reassures me as she hangs up new decorations in her classroom.

"But I liked it there, I liked Carol. I'll miss Carol," I whine.

"Should I be jealous of this Carol?" She turns to look at me with a concerned smile.

"What's your name?" a curious child comes up to ask me for the 50th time.

"Get out of my face kid," I stand up to get away.

"Are you sure you were ever good with kids?" Wanda jokingly asks.

"I better go," I say goodbye with a kiss on her cheek. As I walk out the door I hear a familiar giggle turning the corner. She was in the arms of her mother, thankfully both distracted by each other to notice me. I run back into the classroom, only briefly pausing to look for a hiding place ultimately deciding under Wanda's desk.

"Sorry we're late," Miss Romanoff ushers Rose inside. "Hi I'm Natasha Romanoff, I don't believe we've met. I don't usually drop her off but my husband left on a business trip and I cant seem to get ahold of her sitter," I hear her introduce herself to Wanda.

I had avoided her calls mostly for the fact that I would likely have to explain my lack of presence lately.

"You never said her mom was hot," Wanda crouches down to whisper scream when Miss Romanoff left the room.

"Sorry I forgot that huge detail," I say sarcastically, while I crawl out from under her desk.

"Y/N!" Rose screams and runs to hug me. I also forgot about that minor detail. "Why don't you pick me up anymore?" She asks.

"Well I've just been kind of busy," I lie, I knew it was wrong to lie to a child but I just couldn't find the words to explain the situation to her without doing so.

"Will you pick me up today?" She jumps up and down.

"Not today, but I'll see you soon enough okay?" I say, hoping that she wouldn't throw a tantrum. "Can you keep a secret for me?" I ask.

"Don't worry I haven't told Miss Maximoff you like her," Rose says in a whisper, a child's whisper that is, so it was still loud enough for Wanda to hear. I could tell by the slight laughter I heard from behind me.

"Thank you, but now I need you to keep this a secret from mommy. You cant tell her you saw me," I tell her, knowing that being under her teacher's desk and hiding would draw suspicion from her. The little girl nods and gives me one last hug before running off to play with her classmates.

"You told her you liked me?" Wanda laughs.

"Yes, and you asked her how old I was, so we're even," I remark.

"Sorry, she forgot her lunchbo- Y/N?" Miss Romanoff walks back into the classroom. I curse myself for not waiting longer to come out. "What are you doing here?"

"I was.. just dropping this guy off," I improvise, touching the head of the child who asked my name. "Okay bye have a good day at school," I push the kid slightly towards his friends and make my way to the door.

"I haven't seen you in a week, I tried calling," Miss Romanoff holds it open for me.

"Oh right I'm sorry about that, it's a bit of a long story really," I let out quickly as I try to walk away. She takes hold of my wrist, holding me in place.

"I've got time," She raises her eyebrow. "I was just going to get coffee, join me?"

I wanted to say no, I wanted to say I was busy.

"Sure, yeah," I hated my inability to say no to her.


"I heard Rose threw herself on the ground when someone new went to pick her up from school," Miss Romanoff says taking off her elegant coat, revealing a dark shirt to sit.

"I'm sorry about that," I say taking a sip of my coffee.

I notice her eyes looking at my bruised knuckles and quickly disguise them with my other hand. We sit in a bit of an awkward silence but I feel her eyes studying my face.

"So why haven't we seen you for a week?" She finally asks.

"I'm afraid you won't be seeing me for a while, I um... No longer work there," I choose my words carefully disguising the fact that I was actually fired.

"Did you find another job?"

"Not exactly, I just- I just," I stumble over my words trying to find a reason.

"Why don't you come work for me?" She interrupts, "I doubt they want to keep dealing with Rose's tantrums in the afternoon and she loves having you around... and so do I," She smiles, her eyes never disconnecting from mine.

"Thank you for the offer but.."

"But?" She raises her eyebrow.

"I'm obligated to tell you that... I was arrested," I mutter, looking down from her eyes to the coffee cup stained red from her lips. Her hand stretches to grab my hand, revealing my bruised knuckles.

"Does it have anything to do with this?" She grazes her thumb over the sore skin.

I feel her eyes bore into me as I distract myself with the business of the street outside the window. I stare at the fluffy brown dog walking past but my attention is quickly pulled away when Miss Romanoff grabs my chin. She turns my face from one side to the other, looking for scratches or bruises.

"Looks like you won," she laughs. "How about you tell me what happened and I decide whether I still want you?" She whispers, leaning in closer.

I sigh deeply, giving in to her request but also knowing that I need a job and that Miss Romanoff pays well.

"So you beat him up for touching your cowboy hat?" She says with an amused smile when I finished telling her the story.

"You should've seen it, it was fluffy and white," I joke trying to distract from the fact that I put a grown man into the hospital, " no, he was being hateful to my friend and he tried to hit on my date," I point out. Her smile slowly fades from her face and she lets go of my hand which she had held since noticing the bruises. My heart starts to beat out of my chest, waiting to hear what she would say.

"You were defending your friends and yourself, I don't see anything wrong with that," She takes the last sip of her coffee. "I'll need you to take her to school in the morning, take her to the park or something and bring her back for dinner and bedtime. When we're busy on the weekends Ill also need you to babysit so I'm afraid you won't have much time for dates,"

"Of course," I agree, seeing that she was serious about the schedule.

"Great I'll call over to the aftercare and tell them she won't be going anymore, and you'll pick her up today," She instructs, I only nod. 

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