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A/N: Funny story.... this was supposed to be up 2 days ago but I got distracted on another tab and did not press publish. 

The restaurant's decor is what you would expect from an old-money dinner spot, the chandeliers were big but the lighting was dim and the decor was almost exclusively wooden, red, or gold.

"Name on the reservation?" The hostess asks with a big friendly smile on her face.


"Great, follow me," She smiles, grabbing an extra menu. She leads me to a booth in the very corner of the restaurant.

"It seems like every time we meet you owe me an apology," I tease sitting across from her. She had invited me out to apologize for her anger after I told her about kissing Pepper and my relationship with Wanda.

She had already ordered a glass of red wine and was looking over the food options.

"Or maybe I just decide to be the bigger person and apologize first," she quirks her brow.

"Would you like to order a drink?" A waiter quickly comes to ask.

"I'll take a glass of Vega Sicilia Unico," I say confidently with a smile. Miss Romanoff chuckles softly.

"She'll take a Coke."

I look to make sure she was still looking down at the menu before shooting him a wink, letting him know to bring me a glass either way and he winks back in understanding.

"Do you have any plans for Christmas?" She asks putting the menu down, seemingly having made her mind up on what to order.

"Brian and I are spending it together, we've already planned it all out."

"You guys are close arent you?" She smiles.

"Very, we're like the same person split into two, we share some of the same pain but also take pleasure in the same small things like watching films with the AC blasting," I explain.

"Because you can use the fluffiest and warmest blanket," She agrees.

"Exactly," I laugh. "What are you guys doing?"

"We're going to Italy to spend it with Steve's parents so you'll have the week off," She smiles, picking the glass back up to her lips again.

"Your coke," The waiter says putting a glass on the table, under the table, he discreetly hands me the other glass of wine. Our exchange went rather smoothly, having not discussed it.

"Sweetheart?" Miss Romanoff says lowly, her raspy voice seeming more prominent, more attractive. "Put it on the table please,"

I sigh and place the glass in front of me. She reaches for it and takes a sip.

"Uh oh did we get caught?" the waiter comes back and whispers to me. He squints his eyes a bit and studies me for a moment. "I knew I recognized you from somewhere, you're Y/N. I've seen you perform at the Slash a couple of times, you're great," He compliments shyly.

"That means you've probably seen me reduced to my underwear basically," I joke, loving the way he flusters immediately. Not because I liked men, but because there was something so pleasant in seeing a man be so submissive, to take his power away and reduce him to nothing but your commands like a pet.

"I'll take the Filet de Boeuf," Miss Romanoff says disregarding our conversation. The man suddenly snaps back and writes her order down on the notepad.

"A-and for you?" He asks. I was opening my mouth to tell him my order before she interrupted.

"She'll take the same, Thank you," She dismisses him, holding out both menus for him to take back.

"I could've ordered for myself Miss Romanoff," I tease.

"You were too busy being a whore," She smiles mischievously.

And so the game begins again.

"Fuck I love it when you call me that," I groan softly. I dont know what possessed me to be so bold but I was enjoying this version of myself. 

She doesn't fluster the way id imagine our waiter would to those words, instead she flashes a dark smile and lift the wine glass to her lips. I slide out from my side of the booth to sit next to her. "Go ahead call me that again," I whisper. Her emerald green orbs darken the longer we stare into each other's eyes.

"Why would I give you what you want?"

"Please... mommy," A satisfied smile tugs from the small corner of my lips as I watch her briefly be taken aback by the simple word. She scoffs a laugh.

"Nice manners, what a good girl you are. But no."

"How's your husband?"

"How's Miss Maximoff?" she counters.

"Much better than your husband I would guess," I smirk.

"I'll have to test that theory myself,"

"Can I supervise?" I jest, stealing the wine back.

"Here is your food ladies," the waiter comes back and sets the plates in front of us. He stands there for a moment nervously playing with his fingers and looking at me until Miss Romanoff waves him off with a thank you.

"Do you enjoy that kind of attention?" She asks.

"It boosts my ego a bit, so yeah I think I do,"

"Are you thinking of pursuing music? Like seriously,"

"I'm not actively trying to be discovered but I wouldn't mind getting some recognition."

"I think you'd be great," She says softly, her tone was adorable.

"Brians making me do improv classes on top of everything else, maybe I could be an EGOT winner," I joke.

"With that face and a little work on your personality I think you can," She jokes back, as we both start our meals. Our conversation turns into getting to know each other: schools, bad exes, good exes, childhood stories, and whatever else we thought of at the moment.

Our simple lunch turned into an afternoon together, walking in the park enjoying the views, people watching, and of course, talking.

I got to know a lot about her. She danced ballet when she was younger but quit after the overwhelming stress. Her favorite color was red and tried to incorporate the color into every outfit, even if it was just lipstick. Her favorite time of day is when the sun sets because of the memory of Rose watching it with her on the beach. She'd always wanted to have a girl so she could dress her up in cute little outfits and take her to do all the girly stuff.

I loved the way she spoke about everything in such a good manner, even the bad memories.

At the end of the day, it was hard to say goodbye.

I wanted to keep hearing about the woman I had come to admire. I wanted to hear more about her time in Russia and her growing love for action movies but her husband needed her back. 

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