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A loud groan wakes me up out of my sleep.

"Meri?" I ask in a groggy morning voice. Another groan confirms that it's her. The sudden pounding in my head makes me groan in the same way.

"Y/N?" Kate wakes up. I wait for a loud groan from her but it never comes, she must've been on babysitting duty last night.

"We're up so early," I say looking out the window to the orange and pink sky. We all stretch and get up for breakfast.

"If it's morning why does it keep getting darker?" Meri asks as the sun slowly starts to disappear. We all scrambled to check our phones for the time. 7:03 pm.

"I have to babysit in an hour," I run to get ready, making sure to brush the smell of alcohol out of my mouth. I didn't have time to wash away the smell off of my skin but hoped that they wouldn't notice.

"Okay coffee, water, and a bagel, need anything else?" Kate asks passing everything to me.

"Nope thanks Kate, bye Meri," I say rushing out the door at 7:37.

I get there with not another moment to spare.

"Hi Y/N, please come in," Mister Rogers says. The house was much larger than I expected. I knew they both had executive jobs based on the expensive-looking suits they both wore when they picked Rose up.

"I haven't seen your husband in a while, has he been out of town?" I ask to get rid of the strange silence between us. He looks at me strangely.

"Husband?" He asks.

"Y-yeah, The guy with a beard that sometimes picks Rose up?"

"Oh," he laughs, "No that's my best friend Bucky, me and my wife work pretty late in the afternoon and he helps us out," he explains.

"Oh I'm sorry for-"

"Happens often, don't worry about it," he pats my shoulder and guides me to the kitchen. "She already ate though she may ask for a snack as soon as we leave, we have chips and cookies in the pantry, bedtimes at 8:30 she likes to be read a story or-"

"Steve, have you seen my black purse," a voice calls from upstairs. Rose comes running down the stairs.

"Y/N you're here," she jumps up and down. I grab her hands and jump with her, "I'm here" I celebrate.

Mister Rogers goes upstairs to help his wife.

"Can I have cookies when they leave?" Rose says in a whisper when he disappears.

"Yes," I whisper back, We play with the toys in the living room as we wait for them to come back down.

"May I have some water," The girl requests. I go to the kitchen and get her just that.

"Y/N," Mister Rogers says from the top of the stairs as I was walking back to the living room, "this is my wife, Natasha," he introduces. The red-headed woman from the night before appears from behind the wall.

The water splashing on the floor snaps me back to reality. "I'm so sorry," I panic and run to get paper towels to clean up the mess.

"Don't worry about that, I got it," Mister Rogers says, taking over the cleaning. I stand up and once again am confronted with the woman from the night before. Now that there were no flashing lights, I notice her eyes are dark green. She had the same eyes as rose and the same nose, I was an idiot not to notice the similarities right away.

"Y/N?" She smirks, I nod shyly. "How old are you?" She asks.

"I'm n-nineteen," I say a little embarrassed.

"Mmm," she eyes me up and down with a smirk. "Bye Rose, you be a good girl okay," she lowers down to her level and kisses her on the cheek.

"Bye mama, bye daddy," she waves, her small feet swinging off the edge of the couch.

"Your welcome to anything," Mister Rogers says gathering his coat.

"Except the drinks," The woman winks. I stood frozen at the door for a second, processing the day. I had woken up about an hour ago and it's all gone downhill since. How was she so calm about cheating on her husband?

"Cookie please," the little girl says grabbing my hand pulling me to the kitchen.

I give her the snack and soon enough she was yawning. She was already in her PJs. I helped her brush her teeth and carried her to bed.

"Goodnight Rosey," I whisper, covering her with the blanket.

"Can you sing a song?" She says in a sleepy voice.

"Sure what would you like to hear?" I sit criss-cross next to her bed as I rub her back to put her to sleep.

Thankfully choosing a lullaby I know and was already asleep when I finished singing. I made my way back downstairs. I shook uncontrollably dreading every hour that passed because it would mean they were closer to coming home. Though she told me not to, I figured what was the harm in taking one shot of liquid courage, maybe it would calm me down.

The shot burned down my throat as I heard a car approaching in the driveway. I looked at the time,10 pm. They were back early. I scrambled to put the bottle away and quickly rinsed out the glass to put it back. I made my way back into the living room and sat on the couch to randomly scroll on my phone to make it look like I was doing something. Their laughs echo through the house as they walk in.

"Is she asleep?" Mister Rogers whispers, obviously under the influence. I nod. He stumbles up the stairs leaving me standing awkwardly waiting for payment.

"Right," she says going into her purse and pulling out much more money than I was promised.

"It's too much," I say.

"Well I don't have any change," she smiles. "Keep it, buy yourself a new dress,"

"Thanks," I say as I awkwardly walk out the door, feeling her eyes on me.

I get back into my car and bang my head against the steering wheel a couple of times from all the frustration of the day.

I look back at the house, all the lights were off except for one upstairs. The windows were tall and I could see clearly inside at the woman who was stripped down to her underwear, the man grabbing and kissing all over her body, gently he places her onto the bed and kisses down her body.

I didn't allow myself to watch anymore and drove off, my mouth still open from the scene I just watched.

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