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A/N: My stories involve cheating but it's because I think it's hot..... sorry.

"You look happy," Brian comments, walking into the dressing room.

"Do I?" I ask with a big smile looking at him through the mirror, the truth was that I was excited to hang out with Miss Romanoff. Brian gave me an 8 o'clock slot, which meant I would be done by 8:45 at the latest. I asked her if she wanted to come but she said that she would much rather stay in.

"Where's Jolene?" He asks looking around the room. I lowered my eyes but quickly composed myself as I turned to face him.

"She broke up with me," I try to say as if it didn't bother me. He stayed quiet for a long time, I could see that he was trying to think of what to say.

"Are you okay?" He finally says and approaches me slowly. I hadn't let myself think about it since it happened, distracting myself with either thoughts of Miss Romanoff or rehearsals.

"I will be," I quirk an eyebrow with a smile.

"You don't have to act around me Y/N, I know you love her, and I know this hurts but-"

"I'm fine," I say, a little more peeved than I would've liked. I saw his face through the mirror, he knew I was lying. He always knew when I was lying somehow.

"Here," he says, pulling out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back. They bring a smile back to my face and I thank him. "You could hang out here with everyone or we could go to the strip club," he entices.

"I actually already have plans," I say, his face full of concern, "don't worry, it's just a friend. Neither of us had anything to do so we just made plans to sit around and watch movies." I explain.

"What's her name?" He asks, obviously not believing me.

"HIS name is Peter," I lie so naturally. They say lies are like snowballs, the more you roll with it, the bigger it gets. I used to think that it was a very dramatic saying until now that is.

"I'd like to meet this Peter, whose spending Valentine's Day night with my little sister," he crosses his arms, I could tell he was still deciding whether or not to believe me. For the first time, he wasn't sure.

"No, you'll want him to come here and Liberty will scare him off," I respond. Liberty was very protective of everyone, she punched a drunk guy in the face after he said something inappropriate to Brian. She was masculine-presenting and had big muscles, she never smiled much so when I made her laugh everyone was shocked. She was actually a big softy and made sure to sit with Wanda when I was performing to make sure nobody bothered her.

Brian dropped his arms and gave into my lie.

"Fine but you better not get pregnant, or Peter will be a dead man," He points at me.

"I didn't go through years of emotional and verbal abuse from being gay just to be impregnated by a man," I joke. "He's just a friend, I'll bring him by soon." I stand up to leave the dressing room for my set.

"We'll be waiting," he watched me walkout.


My show had gone great, as usual. People threw roses and stuffed animals on stage, I'd actually picked up quite a few to fill up my backseat. The queens bombarded me with questions about where Wanda was but Brian made sure to fend them off for me.

I was a bit nervous to see Miss Romanoff after our last conversation and my nerves got worse as I rang the doorbell.

"You could've just come right in," She says with a smile as she answers the door.

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