Perfect Girl

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A/N: Ask and you shall receive. 

"Alright bud, sleep tight," I whisper to Rose as I tuck her in, which seemed like an impossible task after she mistook my Redbull for soda and drank half the can while I was in the bathroom.

"Y/N?" she says. "I want another song." she moves aside a little to make space for me to lay next to her.

"Okay," I give in, "Which one?"

"Cell Block Tango," she giggles. Lately, I had been playing Broadway music around her because it was just more fun to sing along with. I was getting tired of the same Frozen and Moana songs too.

I sit up from the bed and start dramatically acting out the lyrics with her.

"He'd go to work, He'd come home, I'd fix him a drink, We'd have dinner. And then I found out 'single' he told me."

"SINGLE MY ASS," she screamed, maybe the song wasn't meant for kids. I was stuck in a place of shock and laughter.

"No, no Rosey," I manage to say through my uncontrollable laughter, "that's a bad word."


"No.... the other one," I explain.

"Ass?" She asks again innocently.

"Yeah, no let's not repeat it okay?" I say, still unable to stop laughing, "Let's go to sleep, and if anybody asks where you heard that word from it was from dad, okay?"

"Okay," She yawns, and I tuck her back in. "I love you, goodnight."

"I love you too my little Rosey, goodnight."

It was later than the time she usually went to sleep which meant I only had a couple of minutes until Natasha came home. I went to the bathroom fixed my hair a little bit from all the running I had to do and ate a mint... Just in case.

Ever since our last kiss, I couldn't help but want to look nice for her but she had become colder and distant. when I did see her it was only for the moment she stepped into the house, she said her hellos and goodbye quickly before dismissing me and heading upstairs.

Today I opted for wearing a more revealing outfit, one I knew would catch her attention. I heard the front door open leaned over the kitchen island and pretended to be doing something on my phone.

"Thanks, Y/N, have a goodnight," She said not even glancing at me. I should've just let her go and accepted it.

"Miss Romanoff?" I call after her. She sighs before turning around to look at me, her eyes began to wander down my body before she caught herself and snapped her gaze back to my eyes. I could have fun with this.

"Rose's teacher needs you to sign her permission slip," I purposefully avoid Wanda's name.

"You could've signed it and saved me the trouble," She sighs as she pulls out a pen from a drawer nearby.

"New school Policy,"

"Well, where is it?"

I turn to reach for it in my bag behind me, slowly bending down. I heard her suck in a sharp breath and knew she was enjoying the view, so I pretended I couldn't find it.

"Oh, here it is," I said before it was too long. She whips her head away from me but not fast enough for me not to notice.

She snatched the paper out of my hand and skimmed it, before signing anything, "That's hardly an appropriate outfit to be wearing here," she mumbles.

"You seemed to like it last time I wore it," I say with a faux frown. "Something about... easy access."

"You're easy to access to anyone, no matter what you wear," She snaps back, clicking the pen and putting them down.

"Just for you Mommy," I say boldly, sitting down in a chair and crossing my legs, slightly flashing the lace underneath.

Nat walks over to me and uncrosses my legs as she leans in closer to my face. "What a slut you are," she says lowly.

"I thought you liked me that way," I say trying to get a taste of her lips, but she pushed me back into the chair.

"What is it? Are you fighting with her? Did Peter end things with you before he went to school?" She asks standing tall, looking down at me but still standing between my legs.

"N-no, Natasha I-"

"I'm not the one to play with Y/N," She interrupts me, "Don't crawl back to me when you aren't pleased with her."

"That's not what I'm doing," I say, sitting up and grabbing her hips, "I just... I miss you. You barely talk to me and you don't even look in my direction."

"That's what you asked for," she says loudly.

"I might've but I don't want it. I don't understand what happened last time but I can't stop thinking about you and I know it's wrong but-" she interrupts me by pressing her lips onto mine, pulling away for a moment to look at me, she did this a couple of times each time elongating our kiss until neither of us wanted to let go of the warmth.

It remained soft almost as if she were trying to tell me something by it. I was not complaining; it gave me the same excitement, if not more. Her hands were strong as they gripped my sides to stand me up.

"You still have a girlfriend," She says matter-of-factly as she gently pushes me away from her. She seemed to be debating herself as she paced.

"And you a husband," I retort, making her pause.

"That's different," She looks at me seriously.

"I suppose if you say so," I say lowly, feeling a hint of embarrassment at her rejection, "I'm sorry, Miss Romanoff, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."

A desperate sigh falls out of her mouth as she reaches to pull me close to her again, her hands gripping at the bottom of my shirt to pull our hips closer together.

"Why can't I let you go?" She asks before kissing me, "I missed you too, so much," She pulls back to say cupping my face with both her hands, "My perfect girl," she whispers, while taking in every detail of my face before pressing lips onto my neck and trailing down. 

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