Deja Vu

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A/N: Sorry in advance besties, I'll be posting another chapter after this cuz I think it's about time we get famous 😏😉 I also linked Olivia Rodrigo cuz I figured I wouldn't be the only one with that song stuck in their heads. 

It was the very question that I was so certain was easily answered that finally began to stump me.

Lust or love?

I mean I loved the way she randomly quoted movies and how she hums at the taste of her favorite ice cream, and how she holds me as if I were made of glass. But does loving those things about her mean that I love her? Was it even possible to love two women at once? And if it was would that mean I loved one more than the other?

The questions remained unanswered as I slowly started to wake from my daydream.

"Earth to Y/N," Wanda says waving a hand over my face.


A disappointed smile looms over her face as she sits beside me, she kisses me on the cheek which instantly made me smile and blush. She places the couple of berries that she picked in the basket I was holding and lays down, resting her head in my lap as she looks up at the clouds.

"You've been quiet lately," she mentions.

"It's nothing just a case of the blues," I smile at her while running my fingers through her soft hair.

"Tell me what you think about it, maybe I can help," She says, grabbing my hand and kissing my palm.

"I think a kiss would help them go away," I tease, she giggles but sits up to peck my lips anyway, "Do it one more time, I feel them going away," I joke again.

She pecks many quick kisses onto my lips, making me giggle uncontrollably and fall backward on the grass with her straddling my hips.

"Let's not give the neighbors a free show," She winks as she slowly starts to help us both up. She leads me back inside and impatiently slams the doors shut.

I could tell she was feeling dominant and I was in the mood to let her be. She takes off the final piece of clothing covering my body and runs a finger over my slit, lightly pressing it against my clit in the end.

"Such a mess already," She moans in my ear before pushing me back onto the bed, "Open your legs for me, baby," her hand lightly comes down on the side of my thigh. My legs fell apart as my eyes stay focused on her face, I loved how she came apart when she sees the wetness.

Wanda lowers down to her knees, leaving kisses down my inner thigh. My body was instantly met with shockwaves when she hums at my taste and licks the right spot. "So good," She mumbles.

"I know baby isn't mommy making you feel so good" Natasha's voice says in my mind triggering a flashback. My eyes fly open, it was impossible to focus my mind on the pleasure after that.

"Wanda," I groan, Slightly pushing her head away. "I'm sorry I-"

"It's okay," She interrupts, climbing up on the bed beside me and covering us both up in the covers and snuggling in close. "How about a nap?" she suggests.

It was exactly what I needed, to forget about my existence for a second and step away from reality. It was easy to fall asleep in Wanda's arms, engulfed in her pleasant scent and warmth that topped that of even the fluffiest blanket.

I woke up to an empty bed and a loud ringtone. It was already morning and Wanda had already gone to work but I could still feel the kiss she pressed onto my cheek when she was saying goodbye.

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