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"What even is country night?" Wanda asks amused reading the poster posted on the club door.

"Here it's a bunch of gays that sing Dolly Parton or Lil Nas X until they pass out from alcohol poisoning," America answers for me, Wanda laughs in response as they open the doors for us.

"Hey Y/N," the same drag queen that lent me the red dress calls me over, "I wrote you down for the best song," He winks now being out of drag and dressed in cowboy boots, jeans, and a cropped tank top: matching the country theme perfectly.

"Thanks, Brian, I love you," I squeal. He throws two fluffy white cowboy hats at me and I jump him for a hug.

Wanda, Meri, Kate, and I settle at a table close to the stage. It was one of those nights that the Slash was a lot calmer than usual. Theme nights doubled as Karaoke night so Queens took it as an opportunity to show off their dance and singing skills so they could book more shows.

"Are you singing tonight?" Kate asks, returning to the table with drinks for everyone.

"I am," I smile looking at Wanda. "But I won't tell you what just yet it's a surprise," I wink.

We watch as a few people get up on stage, already heavily intoxicated, attempting to sing Dolly Parton and soon enough I was going to be one of those people. I laughed at the thought.

"Up next, you know her as Jessica Rabbit, Y/N!" Brian introduces me. I wink at Wanda and make my way to the stage.

"I know ya'll are mad at me for taking this song but I had to, I mean look at my date," I gesture to Wanda, Probably embarrassing myself by putting on an awful country accent. "She is Jolene," I could hear her adorable laughter from onstage even over the cheering crowd. I strap a guitar over my shoulder and start strumming the chords. Making sure to look at Wanda when I sang the lyrics that described her perfectly:

Your beauty is beyond compare

with flaming locks of auburn hair

with ivory skin and eyes of emerald green

Your smile is like a breath of spring,

Your voice is soft like summer rain,

I rejoin the group at the table.

"They're not mad you took the song Y/N, they are mad because you can actually sing it," Brian jokes as he goes back up to present the next performer. The crowd erupts in laughter.

"I think you just earned yourself a fourth date," Wanda bites her lip and pulls me in for a kiss by my collar.

As performances die down, the music livens up and the Slash returns to being the nightclub it was. Wanda and I finally made our way to the bar after hours of pressing our bodies together on the dance floor.

"I have work tomorrow," She says, signaling me that she was ready to leave.

"Okay, let me just say goodbye and I'll call you an Uber," I suggest, knowing that we both had too many drinks to drive. I say my goodbyes, failing to find Brian but figured Id explain myself another time.


"You should come with me," Wanda says kissing up my neck and pulling me closer by the hem of my shirt.

"Your drunk," I say planting a small kiss on her lips. I managed to keep my drinking to a minimum just so I could see that she got home safe.

"That doesn't mean I want you any less," She hiccups, with her lips on my neck.

"There you are," Brian interrupts. "Thought you could leave without saying goodbye?" he opens his arms out for a hug.

"Got to get Jolene here home," I gesture to Wanda who seemed to sober up a little from the startle. They start a side conversation getting to know each other.

"Fag," A frat boy walks by and directs to Brian.

"The fuck did you just say," I defend, the alcohol in my system giving me the courage.

"I wasn't talking to you,"

"Y/N, It's okay," Brian holds me back. I relax at his touch.

"Yeah, it's okay Y/N," He mocks. "Hey, honey why don't you come hang out with us, We'll make you real happy," He says to Wanda, his friends patting his back insinuating that his comment was sexual.

"Don't talk to her like that, you can move on now," I say calmly but firmly.

"Oh, I'm so scared cowgirl," He mocks putting his arms up in surrender sarcastically. He taps the edge of the hat on my head, breaking the last strand of patience I had.

I launch my fist at him sending him falling backward. My anger doesn't allow me to stop hitting him. The last thing I remember before my vision was blurred with anger was my fist going red from the blood it drew from his face.


My vision begins to clear on an unfamiliar view of the city. I look around trying to ground myself, noting the many music posters that decorated the walls as well as shelves of records and CD's.

Wanda walks in with a wet towel, she softly grabs my hand and starts wiping the dried blood off.

"Wheres Brian?" I ask, the memories all coming back to me from the police station, now to his apartment.

"He went out for coffee," She smiles softly.

"I'm sorry about-"

"Don't be, that asshole deserved it," She kisses my knuckles once it was all clean.

"Only place open was the 7-Eleven down the street, so I got some snacks too," Brian says kicking the door closed because of the fullness of his hands. "I owe you big time Rabbit," he presents me with a coke. 

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