Sokovian Fortune Tellers

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A kick from under the table breaks me out of my dreamy stare at the blonde beautiful man.

"I called dibs," Brian reminds me in a whisper as the siblings catch up.

"You can't call dibs on a human idiot," I whisper back.

"Y/N, Wanda tells me you sing," The beautiful man says in a sokovian accent. I giggle uncontrollably then abruptly stop.

"Did that just come out of me?" I whisper to Brian.

"So Pietro what do you do?" He ignores me, caught in a trance of the god in front of us.

"I travel for photography, I've been featured in the National geographic," Pietro responds proudly.

"Ever been to Paris?" I ask. "Oh god," Brian exclaims softly, already knowing where I was going with the question.

"A couple of times. Why would you like us to take you there?" He flirts, catching on as well. Wanda gives him a disapproving look.

"You're not visiting me again," She says, her own accent peeking out.


"Y/N, look at our Halloween cake," Rose screams showing off the messily decorated orange and black dessert.

"Woah, looks good," I say getting a closer look at it. Rose takes the opportunity to shove frosting onto my face, thankfully her tiny hand was delicate and it didn't hurt. She runs away giggling as I try to wipe it away.

"Ow, It got in my eye," I slightly panic as it begins to burn.

"Oh my god, come here you big baby," Miss Romanoff says wiping the frosting off my nose, "open," she holds her finger up full of the orange frosting that was on my nose.

I hum at the sweet taste of it, sucking her finger clean. I catch her looking down at my mouth and feel her finger lightly move in and out of my mouth. We lock eyes as I open my mouth wider allowing her to push her finger further into my throat, even though the frosting was all off my tongue continues to lick it clean. She slowly takes her finger out and holds my chin up, extending my neck.

"You're so pretty," She says softly, tracing her thumb over my lips.

The doorbell rings, disrupting our intimate eye contact. "I'll get it," she smiles.

I gather my breath not fully overthinking the event. Her flirty comments and touches never went unnoticed, but to her, it was just a game.

"Y/N, it's for you," Miss Romanoff says from the foyer. Who could possibly be here for me?

"Are you Y/N's boyfriend?" Rose giggles at the man at the door.

"Pietro? What are you doing here?" I smile.

"Guess what I got for you," He says charmingly.

"Chlamydia?" Miss Romanoff says lowly from behind the door. I lightly push her by the shoulders as he holds out a bouquet of flowers.

"They're beautiful," I gush. "Thank you,"

"Not as beautiful as you," he steps closer and plants a kiss on my cheek, "I'll see you later at the show." He waves goodbye, leaving me a blushing mess.

"Y/Ns got a boyfriend, Y/Ns got a boyfriend," Rose sings, skipping circles around me.

"She never keeps them around for long," Miss Romanoff teases.

"They don't deserve me for long," I admire the flowers and take in the sweet aroma.

"You're so easy," she scoffs. "You'd give it up for anyone who gives you a compliment,"

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