The Blowout

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A/N: Sorry for not updating 🥲

"Will you please hurry up? We're late," I rush Brian out of the car.

"I wasn't the one with an entire glam team getting me ready," he complains, "the paparazzi doesn't even know that you're here."

"You never know when someone might sell us out," I reason.

The possibility of being caught by the paparazzi however wasn't the reason I had gotten up at 7 am to get my whole body waxed, wasn't the reason I was wearing my sexiest pair of Louboutins and a shirt that would get me kicked out of a church. The reason was to catch Natasha's attention and keep it on me. I knew it wasn't the best idea but if she were to stare I would know she still liked the way I looked at least.

"Is this what you were shopping for with David at night, did you just go to 'the whore warehouse'?" He asks sarcastically.

"This is vintage Mugler, it cost me more than your car," I defend.

"Which one?" He boasts.

"The one you couldn't afford and I bought you for your birthday," I snapped back and walked right in.

Natasha was already in the meeting room sitting next to her paralegal Rachel.

"Good Morning," Brian says before I can. All eyes went to me however when he helped remove my jacket. I was hoping Liberty could telepathically receive my thank yous for instilling that in him and giving me this moment.

"Good morning," She said lifting her eyes. She paused when she saw me, her eyes immediately landing them on my chest and then snapping her eyes back down. "Shall we get started?" She asks writing something down.

I purposely take the seat closest to her instead of my regular seat next to the paralegal. I could smell her perfume from where I was, and distracted me from paying attention thinking about how many times I avoided the designer store it comes from just not to smell it and remind myself of her accidentally.

Throughout the meeting, she would look over at my shirt and when she looked at my face her eyes almost immediately looked down at my lips which were painted red to match the bottom of my heels. I made sure I looked at her every time, to let her know I saw her.

"Since this is one of our longer meetings why don't we offer you both lunch," Brian said, looking down at his watch, it was running longer than the other ones but I hadn't noticed. "I made sure to ask around for any dietary restrictions, my husband is on his way with our orders now."

"No meat, Dairy, or gluten?" I ask quietly, making sure my order got in with what my trainer told me. I was filming a movie in a couple of months and I had to be the fittest I could possibly be.

"You can have a cheat day you know?" Brian rolled his eyes.

"I think a little self-torture is good for the body," I joke.

"Yes, I got you a salad," He answers the question unenthusiastically. "I hope it's okay I ordered for everyone, Carter made sure to let me know what you guys liked."

I cringed at the mention of her name.

"That's so kind of her, I bet it was your idea to ask her wasn't it?" Nat said, it was so condescending.

"No, it wasn't. Who is that again?" I ask Brian.

"You know, The nicely dressed lady that came in and asked to talk to you after in a conference room," He said, I knew it was a mistake telling him about that.

"oop David's here, be right back," He gets up quickly and leaves.

"Rachel, I think I forgot the last couple of forms in my office. Do you mind getting them for me?" Natasha asked, dismissing the paralegal.

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