Rose Thorns

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"Good Morning," I greet the man in the kitchen.

"Good Morning Y/N, Waffles?" Mr.Rogers greets kindly like he always did.

"I've eaten but thank you anyway,"

Miss Romanoff walks in mumbling curse words under her breath.

"What is it, honey?" Mister Rogers asks, collecting his laptop from the counter.

"We pay thousands of dollars for that fucking school and they can't call a plumber to fix the water," She spits out. I knew there had to be another reason she was upset, a closed school surely wasn't something she would complain about.

"I'm sure it was out of their control," He grabs the rest of his things and kisses the side if her head, "I have to go, I love you." He says before waving goodbye at me.

I was stuck in an awkward position, she was so obviously upset and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what I should say if anything. I watch from a distance as she accidentally spills a cup of coffee.

"Here let me help you," I jump in, after hearing her mumble possibly every curse word in Russian.

She doesn't even muster a thank you before walking away but I forgave her, not having known what was bothering her so. The pitter-patter of Roses footsteps quickly makes their way downstairs.

 "Good morning, how did you sleep?" I greet the girl.

"I dreamt that I got a pony and that-"

"Y/N," Her mother interrupts the story, "Steve didn't make anything for lunch so just take her out and... I don't know, go to the fucking zoo or something," She reaches into her back pocket and takes out a hundred, she doesn't even give me the time to reach out for it before dropping it on the ground in front of me. I make no effort to catch it and made a point not to pick it up in her presence.

I tap my fingers on the counter trying to contain my anger and annoyance by her growing rudeness. She turns in the direction of the door, picking up her purse in the foyer and slipping on her heels quickly.

"Miss Romanoff, I have an errand to ru-"

"Just take her with you," She interrupts before slamming the door shut.

I let out a shaky frustrated breath knowing that I couldn't show Rose just how bothered I was by her mother's actions. I take a couple more deep breaths to calm myself and turn back to Rose with a smile.

"Finish telling me about your dream, you got a pony? Then what?"


His housekeeper opens the door and greets us. She points me in the direction of the study where I knew my grandpa liked to smoke cigars, so I sent Rose straight to the backyard filled with toys left behind by grandkids.

"Hey Grandpa," I greet the old man. He puts the newspaper down and smiles wide at the sight of me.

"My darling angel, is it time for your monthly visit already?" He groans as he lifts himself out of the chair to hug me.

"Yes and I brought a friend this time around,"

"You've brought Wanda? Well, where is she? bring her in here" He laughs.

"Sorry to disappoint but not this time," I open the sheer curtains to the tall windows looking out to the backyard. Rose was jumping on the trampoline and her singing could be heard lightly from indoors.

"Is that the girl? Daisy? Violet? What was her name?" he asks putting out his cigar.

"Rose," I laugh, "Wandas her teacher, so you already know she's smar-"

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