Chapter 1

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She was finally going to see them. Her brothers. They were coming back for her 18th birthday in April, in two months.

Which meant Hoseok was finally going to celebrate his birthday at home, something he hasn't done since he turned 18.

Yoongi was also going to be there for his birthday in March.

Eun-ji was more than happy to finally have her 7 brothers home. She barely remembers Seokjin, for he left when she was 8. Then came Yoongi, he left 3 months after that. Hoseok left before her 10th birthday, but she remembers his bright personality. She remembers how happy he would make her. Namjoon left in September of the same year as Hoseok.

She was most close to her last three brothers. She remembers all the mischievous trouble they caused, always happy to bring their baby sister along. Jimin left in October when she was half past 11. Same year for Taehyung. He was the one of the last wolfs to leave that year. She cried when those two left to explore the human world.

She got extra time with her last brother, Jungkook. He left when she was 13. They became best friends. Almost inseparable. Always doing everything together. But like tradition, he turned 18 on the 1st of September, 2015, leaving her a crying mess.

It was always the tradition of their world, the world of supernatural beings. They belonged to the werewolf sector. Her mother and father were the leaders of the only pack in South Korea, meaning all of the werewolves in this territory looked up to them. They were loved and respected by all.

Of course there were sub-packs, about 15, with her family the main pack, all spread around the country. Her family was located in the South Korean Evergreen Forests, all the way south of the country.

She loves everything about the world she had been born into. Not that the human world was bad, but she had a certain freedom to her form.

And she couldn't wait to turn 18. It meant she was finally considered an adult and was able to travel to other packs around the world, getting to know other cultures, traditions and languages as well as more of the human world and other supernatural beings.

It also meant she was of age to officially encounter her mate. When they turn 18, the scent gland in their necks unlocks, which gives off this powerful smell, only identified and addictive to their mates. To anyone else, their regular smell just becomes a tab stronger. The sense of smell also changes. The nose is able to finally pick up their mate scent, and it all happens when they turn 18.

Which is partly the reason for leaving home at such a young age. It gives the higher chance to find them.

There have been cases were mates have known each other for a long time but never knew because they weren't of age.

Eun-ji's best friend, Jay would always be drooling over one of their friends, Maria. Maria was over the age of 18, meaning her scent gland and nose were open to look for her mate. Jay, however, was 2 years younger than Maria.

Once he turned 18, it was like the two meet each other for the first time. They were completely over each other. Maria confessed after she always found Jay very handsome and attractive, so maybe there's still some type of attraction between mates? Even when they are under age?

However Eun-ji was not one for mates. The whole pre-destined love caused her stomach to drop in repulsion. She didn't want to be attached to someone because their smell was great. She understood it wasn't just the smell but she didn't want to be tied to someone. She had Erick and he was just as great.

Erick was her boyfriend of 3 years. They started dating when she had just turned 15 and he was 18. He, following tradition, left his pack in Central America and came to hers. Her parents welcomed him with open arms. Apparently her parents and his parents had been long time friends. They specifically helped out the South Korean pack in 1995, when the North Korean pack attacked them. It was a bad war, which also resulted in Taehyung being born premature. But thanks to their healers, he managed to live. After the war, a truce was made between the two neighboring packs, and long time friendships were created.

Erick didn't care for mates either and this brought Eun-ji and him together. He came to the pack summer of 2016 after he had just turned 18. Soon they began to see each for more than pack members. It was very hard, having feeling for each other. Having to hide the blush Eun-ji would feel every time he came around. Having to hide her heart from his sensitive ears.

Erick couldn't keep away from Eun-ji as well. They became friends but he couldn't get over how beautiful she was. Her big almond light chocolate eyes, she long dark hair, and that beautiful light caramel skin drove him crazy. He just wanted to kiss her whole body. Then he got to know her personality. She was beautiful, supportive, head strong, and compassionate. She was everything he wanted, even if she was only 14 when they meet.

They became best friends and by her 15th birthday, he took the courage to ask her out. He always had hope she was his one. Thankfully she said yes, with squeals and shrieks.

They had to fight for her parents approval. But they knew he was a good kid and he proved to respect and treat her the way she deserved. Of course her parents were concern once Eun-ji turned 18. They could see how much their love had developed over the past three years. They were going to be heart broken if they weren't mates. Ironically, they were against the relationship and now they were praying to the Moon Goddess for them to be destined.

Guess everyone will found out when April 22nd, Eun-Ji's 18th birthday, came around.

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