Chapter 53

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If he could go back in time and not open his mouth he would.

The hours went by agonizingly slow. Why the fuck had he offer to go out of the room, to be away from his nest. It was stupid and the anxiety attack waiting to happen was controlling his mind.

He wanted to reach out to them and tell Eun-ji he wasn't going to go out in the end. But then he saw the disappointment on her face, on all their faces.

Then he choose the option of him going out. He saw the smiles on their face. He saw them welcoming him like he hadn't turned his back for a year.

His ability had progressed over the past months. He could still see what transcurred at any location, but four days instead of just one. He could see glimpses of the future based on decisions, which is a lot, taking into account the future is not set in stone.

He concentrated in those two options. He saw the outcome for both. However he couldn't believe they would receive him with arms wide open. The darkest parts of his mind told him those images were wrong, ability finally failing, a disaster waiting to happen. He had fucked up his bond with all of them. He was the reason Hoseok was dead on a bed, just waiting for his condition to become a reality.

A knock on his door brought him back. Fresh rained earth invaded his senses. He thought it was stupid for him to knock, considering it was his room. Yoongi felt bad for kicking the younger out.

With his anxiety attack on the verge of happening, he went up to the door, and opened it.

Namjoon stood there, hair cut on the shorter side. Yoongi noticed how buff he looked. The younger looked lean and sculpted, his white white tight around his chest.

His presence alone calmed Yoongi, then when he saw Namjoon give him the most genuine dimple smile, his heart melted.

Yoongi missed him. He missed all of them.

The unexpected came when the younger pulled him into a hug, tight, almost like Namjoon was trying to suffocate him. He took a deep breath in, head rested in his neck, and he relaxed against his shorter frame.

Yoongi stood paralyzed, not knowing what to do, but when he heard sniffles coming from the younger and his voice pleading to be touched, Yoongi felt his walls come down immediately and he let himself seek comfort in one of his mates.

He didn't deserve to have someone by his side. He didn't deserve the sympathy.

Yoongi never had seen the alpha breakdown, not since Hoseok. His quiet sobs carried so much emotion, so much sentiment, and he kept saying thank you between his sniffles.

Which confused Yoongi. Why would Namjoon be thankful to him. Nevertheless, Yoongi let him rest his head on his shoulder, caressing his back. The fact he had to hunch over was funny.

"There you are! I was wondering if Namjoon had gotten lost!" Eun-ji's voice interrupted the two mates, "Come On! Once I told everyone the Min Yoongi was going to help me cook they got beyond excited! In fact, everyone offered to help!"

Min Yoongi.

That was his name now. That's how everyone knew him as. Nam Yoongi never existed.

Namjoon saw the hesitation in Yoongi's eyes. He knew the older wanted to retract his offer, probably said it in the spur of the moment. But Namjoon felt like he was silently asking for help. Even if he didn't know it himself. He gave them a crack in his locked door and they needed to break it down.

And that's exactly what Namjoon intended to do. They might not ever be true mates but he still cared deeply for them.

Namjoon dried his tears and took Yoongi's hand.
"Let's go hyung, let's go cook."


Everyone was nervous.

Once Eun-ji told Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin Yoongi had agreed to cook, all three men were left beyond speechless.

Jimin cried out of happiness. It had been too long without seen the other.

They all ran out to the showers, making sure to scrub themselves from head to toe. It took them a while to choose a decent outfit. They couldn't dress up; they weren't going out. But they didn't want Yoongi to think they didn't care. After the five of them ran around for hours, they were finally presentable for dinner.

None of them had the guts to go get Yoongi out of the room. Eun-ji and Jungkook argued they had been in charge of getting every one to say yes so someone needed to go get Yoongi and Seokjin.

Namjoon offered to go get Yoongi, the need to see the older taking completely over his mind.

Jimin and Taehyung had a very intense and democratic game of rock, paper and scissors. It was always funny to watch them play. Both always gave the same answers for the first five rounds, laughing at how they thought the same.

However out of this duel Jimin came out victorious and Taehyung had to go get Seokjin. It wasn't like Taehyung didn't want to see the older, but the last time he saw him was when he got kidnapped and was brought to the hidden camp.

He still remembers seeing his older mates beat up and unconscious. He remembers the anger he felt, how he managed to get out of their grasp and kill four men trying to get to them. He remembers the despair he felt when he didn't. He wasn't brave enough to face Seokjin after his failure.

He quietly made his way to the older's room and knocked. He heard the shuffle Seokjin made and smelled his rose scent before he came to the door. Taehyung swore he felt his heart beat so fast it felt like it was going to burst.

The door swung open to reveal Seokjin. He looked almost the same, cheeks not as full anymore, maybe he had lost some weight.

Both mates just stood there, looking at each other, the awkwardness taking over the silence.

After a while Taehyung cleared his throat.

"We are all cooking, didn't know if you want to come and chill with us." Seokjin could feel his skin crawl at Taehyung's voice. It was so deep. So soulful. So captivating.

Seokjin nodded yes and follow the younger down the hall into the kitchen. He didn't say anything, just followed behind the younger at a distance.

His nose picked up his mates. He thought Taehyung was bluffing just to get him to come out, but the mint in the air was proof Yoongi was out.

He stopped at the kitchen. He looked around and saw everyone standing, not knowing what to do. He looked over at Yoongi and his eyes filled with tears. He was alive.

Memories flashed in his mind. He was dead. He remembers him on the floor. Lifeless. Cold.

The need to be with them felt overwhelming. The pain of waking up days later not knowing what happened was always too much.

So many emotions flooded the older, till he couldn't take it and rushed over to him.

Seokjin threw himself on Yoongi, body shaking with sobs coming out his mouth. He missed him. He missed all of them. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the older, his own tears finally unraveling.

His pain finally breaking.

They felt arms surrounded them, scents mixed in.

It was magical finally being together, even if there was a hole in their hearts.

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