Chapter 27

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Eun-ji tried to not wake up, to not come back to reality, but it didn't work too well.

She recognized them by their smell. Their scents blended in creating a comforting atmosphere. Not one scent was more powerful than the other. They didn't feel angry just worried.

Then came their hushed voices. She smiled at how softly they kept on bickering with each other while trying to not wake her up.

"C'mom bunny, I see that smile of yours!" Jungkook came over to her bed, smiling when he saw she was trying to hide her smile.

"We all know you are awake!" She felt his hot breath with his whisper on her left ear.

"Fine then, let's see how you survive this then!" Jungkook launched to tickle her, getting immediate giggles that filtered to everyone's ears.

Her laughter was probably one of the most beautiful sounds the seven men had heard. Blended in with Jungkook's own cute giggles it was a recipe for cuteness overload.

They felt their hearts soar at the two youngest of the group be so care free, so affectionate towards each other.

Things felt completely.

"Ok! Ok! I'm sorry! Damm it Kookie! Why can't I just sleep some more?"

She looked around, noticing she was at the infirmary. Their rooms held twin size beds and just enough space for a desk and a chair, which meant the seven men had been packed in the confinement of the four walls.

Then she remembered.

Everything that happened.

"Where's Erick? Is he ok?"

"You are asking about that asshole after what he did?" Jungkook's eyes turned a bright honey, almost yellow, representing his beta status.

His temper was on the verge of snapping.

"He left! Even when you passed out on Jay's arms, he fucking left!"

"Jungkook, calm down, she doesn't need this right now." Namjoon came up behind the beta and grabbed his shoulder, giving it a squeeze for comfort.

They watched as her eyes became moist, probably from the unpleasant memories.

Yoongi had escaped from the group to go to the training house. He used his ability to see what happened. It made him mad, ready to look for Erick and break his neck for breaking his sister's heart but nevertheless, he was able to analyze the situation.

Because if his ability, Yoongi had leaned to be observant. He was quiet and came off as cold but in reality, he was just taking in his surroundings and learning people. He leaned to not waste his energy in unnecessary events.

Watching over what concurred at the training house showed Yoongi something was not right. Yoongi could see; it broke Erick apart to walk away from her.

Something must have made Erick come to such a harsh conclusion.

But what was it?

"I want to see him, I need to talk to him." Eun-ji made her way out of her bed, shaking a little at how weak her body felt.

"Ji-ah, I'm sorry but he left. We don't know where he is and he shut off all links."

Jimin tried to be gentle with his words, but nothing could comfort her. Her bottom flip wobbled and she gasped for air as she tried to keep her sob from escaping her chest.

Jimin and Jungkook rushed forward, cradling her in the small bed. Jungkook buried her face his chest and Jimin hugged from the back, both releasing their calming scents.

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