Chapter 41

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Something felt off.

Yoongi didn't know what it was, but something didn't feel right with him.

He had lost track of time. The past few days had been spent between blurred mornings and nights, thirst consuming his essence till he gave it all to burn.

He's someone that's very private about his life and that included telling know his family who was going to help him. His brothers teased him but he never gave in.

He had just pulled out of the beta, his dick twitched at the quiet whimpers the male made. Fuck he had a great ass. His body had reacted great at the beginning, his rut taking over everything with the word 'fucking' on repeat.

But today, this morning, there was something different. His wolf didn't want to touch the beta. The previous days nothing had stopped him from burying in the beta till his hole dripped with his cum. Yoongi was sometimes a rough lover, so bite marks decorated his helper. He had enjoy the feeling of his velvet walls, the clenching around him, but this morning it didn't feel right.

As much as he wanted to fuck, to cum, he couldn't. They had been going all morning, the beta clearly uncomfortable now.

But he couldn't cum, it wasn't enough, not the mewls of the beta, or the warm slick dripping down his thighs, or the clenching around him. His instincts were not right.

"Is there something wrong? Have I done anything?" The beat's sweet concern made Yoongi crunch is eyebrows.

"Why would you think you did something? I'm the one who can't cum."

"Yeah but you did before, does it not feel good anymore?"

"It's not that, I don't know what's wrong, it just doesn't feel right anymore. I don't know how to explain it but,...I just can't."

The beta rolled over to get in top of Yoongi, straddling his lap. He looked deep into Yoongi's eyes. He had always liked his sharp eyes, his smooth pale skin, how soft his hair always looked. Yoongi was comfort, always providing words of affirmation even when things didn't go as planned.

He massaged the alpha's chest, and arms trying to relax him. Slowly he circled his ass on his crotch, feeling the alphas dick twitch to harden.

He put pressure and noticed the alpha open his mouth, a small whimper escaped past him soft lips. He began to rub his ass faster and more moans escaped from Yoongi. He was definitely responding to the stimulation the beta was providing.

The beta bent down to press soft kissed on the alphas neck. Soft kissed turned into sucking and biting.

Yoongi didn't know if he liked it as much now. It felt annoying and when he felt the beta bite down at the bottom of his neck he pushed the beta off, almost too roughly.

"Fuck! I'm sorry! That was all reflex!"

The beta rolled off him, clearly annoyed by what happened.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi felt his heart drop when the beta started to dress himself

"Clearly, something is different today. I'm not doing to sit here and wait to see if I can make you cum"

"It's not my fault! I don't know what's wrong today?"

"And that's ok Yoongi. I've enjoyed the time we have spent together babe." The beat pushed his hair back, giving Yoongi a sad smile. "Don't worry, I know you. Something must be wrong and you just don't know it yet."

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because Yoongs, you are an amazing guy that deserves real love. Ima go out for a while and come back at night. Give you some space."Yoongi mindlessly nodded as he watch the beautiful beta leave the room.

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