Chapter 34

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****bold is mind link**

A knock came in the middle of the night. He was sleeping when he heard it.

Seokjin was confused. Who would come and wake him up out of his beauty sleep? Who ever it was, was getting ready to hear a mouthful from him.

He woke up with a groan, his body still sore from this rut. Fuck he really missed his girl. How could he have forgotten about the spring mating season.

He groaned again as his joints pop walking to the door.

"It would seem you are getting old." There stood his father in all his not-coming-out-of-rut glory.

"Dad? What are you doing here? It's like 2 in the morning?" Since he was "officially" out of his rut, the locking spell had been taken off the cell.

"I came to see you struggle with your 27 years of age, what else?" Seokjin refrained himself from rolling his eyes at his father.

"Dad, I don't have time for this, let me sleep." Seokjin turned to the bed.

"Son, I need to tell you something very important, that's why I'm here." His seriousness threw Seokjin off. It was not too often his father sounded this demanding.

"I don't really have a way of saying this. It's something big and life changing." Seokjin was trying to pay attention. He really was, but his father smelled good. He had traces of a scent that distracted his mind.

"Seokjin! Are you listening?"

"Sorry dad it's just you smell different. Have you been with anyone? It's very strong." Of course he would be able to pick up their scents on him.

Mates always know each other.

"That's what I'm trying to talk to you about. Here come closer to me." Seokjin didn't have to be told twice. He rushed over to his father, practically jumping on him

Fuck he smelled delicious. It was the first time he smelt something to make his mouth water.

He wanted this smell.

He wanted to drown for the rest of his life on this scent.

His wolf was quick to recognize.


"How do you smell like this!?" Seokjin didn't mean to raise his voice at his father. But this couldn't be, "How do you know who she is!?" His eyes flashed red. His wolf wanted to run and find his mate.

"Son, this I what I need to talk about. It's very important I promise. After you listed then you can see them."

He weighed out his options. His body was beyond worn out but his senses on high alert.

"Ok, I'll sit."

"Thank you son. Now..... "

"...I don't know how to say this exactly, but I promise all is true. First your mom is a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess."

Wait, what? 

"I'm being honest. Her blood runs through your veins."

"Dad, it's 2 in the morning. I don't have the brain cells for this."

"The Legend of our Moon Goddess is true, however there's a part to the legend that was kept a secret and only a few know about this. The moon Goddess has chosen you and your siblings to mate to strengthen her blood line."

Seokjin thought he heard wrong. His siblings have been chosen as his mates?


"Wait, you just said that my brothers and my sister are my mates?" Seokjin paused as he looked at his father. He can't be serious. He waited for the older man to crack a smile or laugh. He tuned into his heartbeat only to find it stable.

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