Chapter 7

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Two very stressful weeks went by, at a very agonizing pace.

The boys had to meet with the elder council, which followed very traditional steps and blessing rituals.

They all had to inform the council of all the packs they had visited, any suspicious or malicious events, how they were treated as well as what they had done to contribute to those packs they stayed in.

It was a very long and detailed meeting, especially for Seokjin and Yoongi, since it was their first time back home in ten years.

They swore they would come home sooner next time.

Then all had to get caught up with their pack's information: from everything that happened after Seokjin left.

Jungkook was beyond bored, zoning out and not paying attention to the information, not till after his departure date.

And probably what annoyed them the most was not spending time with Eun-ji. For in those two weeks, they didn't get to see her, not even at breakfast or dinner.

It irritated their nerves not catching glimpses of her.. Her becoming of age was the only reason why they had come back.

Their time together was ticking.


Yoongi's birthday was in three days time and Eun-ji didn't know what to get the aloof alpha.

After they came back they had been submerged into pack meetings and she had zero interactions with them.

She didn't know enough about the alpha, not enough to give a gift anyways.

So she decided to make something for him.

Not a necklace. Hoseok had one already.

She opted for a bracelet. Hopefully all her running around picking up stones would be to his liking.


"So since it's Yoongi's birth this Thursday and everyone is back, we are thinking of throwing a get together to celebrate, on Saturday."

Eun-ji could feel the excitement her mom was feeling.

"I was wondering if you can help us out! We only have three days to plan everything."

Eun-ji smiled at her mom, nodding her head as a response.

"And Erick is going to be back on Saturday as well! Everyone is going to be here!"

A deep longing settled in Eun-ji's chest. She missed him so much. Having to deal with the past few months without him was torture.

"Ah baby don't make that face. Three months went by quick. I'm sure he missed you as much as you missed him." Eun-ji felt a kiss on her head as her mom said those sweet comforting words to her.

"But now! No being sad about the missing boyfriend! It's party planning time!!"

~short filler chapter~

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