Chapter 19

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Eun-ji woke up gasping for air. She thrashed around, ready to punch whoever was around her.

"Baby!? Oh baby. Ji-ji! It's ok! It's ok!"

She wasn't paying attention to the voice. She whipped her closed fist around, making contact with someone before she fell on the floor, landing on her left hip. The pain made her stop and realized she was up on a bed. She finally looked around and saw a tent, soft blankets on the floor.

She saw a men, holding on to his face.

"Jimin?" Eun-ji recognize the beautiful beta. This overwhelming sense of peace came over her body.

She's safe.

She's back with her bothers.

She immediately started to cry, the situation of what happened hitting her like bricks. She was ambushed, kidnapped by rogues who abused and raped her.

Her sobs became loud, alerting everyone else she was awake.

Jungkook rushed into the tent. He saw a Jimin standing away from Eun-ji, red cheek, trying to get close to her.

"Ji-ah. Baby? It's ok!" Jimin said in the most soothing voice he could muster as he stepped closer to his sister.

His hand touched her shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me! Don't touch me!" Her cries got louder. She pulled her legs to her chest and buried her head on her knees. Her reaction was unexpected.

Jimin didn't know what to do. He felt useless.

"Jungkook, go get Hobi!" He said in a quiet tone.  Jungkook was out the tent in a second.

"Eun-ji, we got you out. When we woke up we discovered you were gone so we tracked you. I'm so sorry love. If we could take it all back we would. But you are safe now. We are still at the park. Hobi is coming to help you down ok."

Her cries quiet down as he explained what happened. She passed out. Her body shut down. The last thing she remembered was the men about to have his way.

"Ji-ah, it's me. Can I come close?" Eun-ji looked up, puffy eyes, tear-stained cheeks to look at Hoseok.

He looked beyond tired. Dark circles under his eyes. He looked drained. Almost sick in a way.

"Hobi are you ok? You look sick."

Hoseok's eyes got watery at her concern. Even after everything, she was looking out for him.

"Don't worry about me sweet girl. I'm ok." He smiled bright at her.

She noticed it was only Jimin and Hosoek in the tent with her. 

"Are you feeling better?"

Eun-ji finally looked at her body. She was dressed in the clothes she folded over her sleeping bag. She was clean. Her body felt amazing, the soreness was almost gone. The deep cuts on her legs and arms had began to heal nicely and the small ones were gone. Perks of being supernatural.

"Yeah, my body feels better." She was relief pass through Hoseok's face.


The awkward silence engulfed the three of them.

"Umm, are the others here?"

"Yeah they are outside. They didn't want to overwhelm you. Jimin already took a nice punch."  Hoseok chuckled.

She looked over to Jimin, who stood behind Hoseok. His cheek was red.

"Ohh! Jimin! I'm sorry! When I woke up I was..."

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