Chapter 32

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Eun-ji cheeks redden at Hoseok's words.

She totally forgot about the mating season. It typically starts from mid February to the end of April. Biology has always told them when is the best time to procreate: early Spring and late Fall.

Male wolfs go into their ruts while females experience their heats. However it's more common for females to experience their heats in the fall than in spring.

Eun-ji has yet to experience one, but unfortunately, her 18th birthday was just around the corner, meaning in fall she would most likely be put into the cycle of the mating season.

"What's todays date?" Seokjin asked.

"April 10th I believe." The Alpha answered. He was thankful to be considered too old to have ruts. Once his mate passed her fertile state, their ruts and heats disappeared. Thank the Moon Goddess! He hated having those.

Seokjin's ruts usually start around the 11th or 12th of April.

"Fuck! Mine's here then." Jimin groaned as he threw his head back, "Jungkook?"

"Yeah mine too. In about two days."

"What about the rest of you boys?" The Luna was trying to calculate the days in her head. Ruts could go up to two weeks.

"Third week of April!" Taehyung answered.

"Same," mirrored Yoongi.

"Last week of April." Both Namjoon and Hoseok said.

Fuck this is not good.

The Alpha gave his Luna a worried look. Both knew what this meant.

Eun-ji also counted the days in her head. Depending on how long their ruts were, Seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook might be done by her birthday. Taehyung and Yoongi would both be on theirs. Which meant the only ones who would be there with her are Namjoon and Hoseok.

Eun-ji turned to look at Erick with a sad look. Erick typically got his after her birthday. He would never get help during his ruts. He wanted his first time to be with her. So when he went down to the mating house it was go lock himself up in a cell so he wouldn't come looking for her.

But now, his mate is here. Which meant she could help him out. She had the right to help him, to fulfill his needs as the women that belong to him. She wondered if eventually their cycles would sync up. Usually, with mates, one triggers the other.

Erick looked at Eun-ji. He knew why her face fell all of the sudden. Because they had promised to be for each other for their heats and ruts.

Many mates are understanding of getting help during the mating season. Ruts and heats are almost unbearable to the body. The mind is completely overriding by instinct to make a litter of puppies. It's almost impossible to keep a level head. That's why mating houses are necessary.

These are specialized houses with designated rooms for those who choose to mate and cells who's walls are covered with wolfbane to prevent anyone from escaping. Once you are in a room, you stay locked in.

"Well the good thing it's towards the end of the mating season, not too many people are at the mating house now. Do you boys usually get help?"

Their cheeks turned red hearing their mother ask this.

"Don't tell me you are embarrassed to tell your mother you've fucked!"

"Mom! Don't say it like that!" The Luna couldn't help laugh at her Namjoonie.

"It's only natural if you do get help! But I'm sorry for asking, it's none of my business!" She rolled her eyes at them. Do they not know who she's seen then naked more than any other women out there.

"So are you boys going to the mating house? Or you think you can just lock yourself up in your rooms?" The Alpha looked at Jimin, Jungkook and Seokjin.

"I think Ima head to the mating house. I uh... my girlfriend is the one that helped me with mine." Seokjin's ears turned red. He could feel the heat coming off them.

"I'm.... I had a talk with Nari, she... offered to help me." Jimin's voice was quiet. "So I guess I'm heading over to the mating house as well."

The boys snickered at the mention of Nari. She was a pretty omega that had become great friends with Jimin these past two months. Everyone had teased Jimin of the heart eyes she would throw his way.

"Jungkook?" Eun-ji was curious of him. He still looked so young and inexperienced to her.

"I also have help." He was too quick to answer his dad's question.

"Look at our Jungkookie! He's a man now!" Everyone jumped in to tease him.

"So who's the lucky girl?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows. Jungkook felt the heat rise up to his face.

"Is it Hana? Or Jae? Or Nabi? She seems like she really really likes you." Jimin continued their assault. Jungkook felt his ears turn red at the mention of Nabi. He immediately looked down to his lap.

"Oh my God! It's Nabi! It's Nabi! Jungkook's getting Nabi!" The previous tense atmosphere had been replaced with the teasing.

"Ok! Stop embarrassing the boy! Tomorrow you three can go to the mating house." Eun-ji laughed at her brothers. Are they always like this?

"See! Even Ji-ah thinks you are a man now." Jungkook raised his eyes and looked over at Eun-ji. She had a playful smile on her lips. The only thing he could think about how she's turning 18 soon. Which meant her heats would start. He wondered who would be lucky enough to get to be with her.

"That's one thing I don't miss! Aren't you glad we are old love?" The Alpha laughed at his Luna.

"Babe, if I remember, you would always enjoy my ruts a little too much." He winked at his mate.

Groans were heard from everyone.

"Ok! That's it! I'm out!"

"Me too! We don't want to hear it dad!"

"Where do you think you all came from? We had a great time right hun?" The Alpha reached over and kissed his wife's hand.

"Ok as adorable as that was, you are nasty old man!" They laughed as everyone got up from the table, taking their dinner with them.

"Someone should have kept you away from mom! You have eight kids old men!" Yoongi shouted across the room before everyone left.

Both the Luna and Alpha were left laughing from their kids reactions.


Filler chapter, sorry!

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