Chapter 26

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**bold is mind link**

"Erick, please, talk to me. What's going on?"

Eun-ji had managed to corner Erick after him having ignored her for three days. Three days of him running from her and blocking their mind link.

Three days of feeling lost and unworthy.

"Did I do something? Is it because of what happened? Because I'm dirty. Is that what—"

"Don't you ever say that about yourself. You are not dirty!" Erick couldn't stand to listen to her nonsense. What happened was not her fault.

"Then talk to me? Why are you running away my love?"

It's now or never.

"I'm sorry Eun-ji. Please know that I love you with all my heart. Please know you are absolutely the most beautiful and hypnotizing woman I've ever meet. Seeing you transition from a girl to a young woman had been an honor. I'm truly blessed to have meet you."

Erick came close to her. He caressed her face as she leaned into his touch. She loved whenever he touched her face. They were always the most delicate touches.

"You are the most amazing person I've meet. Ever since the day I meet you I was captivated by your presence. You have made me so happy these years."

Eun-ji could feel her eyes water at his words. He felt so sincere.

"I've been ignoring you because something happened and I don't know what to do. I'm trapped. I'm trapped because I don't want it to be true. What I've always wanted can never happen and no matter how much I stall, I can't change." Erick felt his voice crack at all his emotions coming in to knock his bravery out.

"Babe, you are scaring me. Tell me. What ever it is we can make it."

Erick saw the love reflected in her eyes as she leaned in to peck his lips.

"I have something to tell you. Please forgive me mi amor." Eun-ji's heart spiked up. She searched Erick's face for a clue, but she found glossy eyes and a pained expression.

"Eun-ji, I'm sorry but we can't be together anymore. I can't be with you and you can't mine. We have to stop what we have." Erick felt his world stop and crumble as he said those words.

He watched as Eun-Ji's face expression froze, probably because her mind was trying to understand what he just said.


Eun-ji couldn't really understand the words. She understood what they meant but he couldn't possibly mean what he said.

She looked for hesitation, something where it looked like he was playing, but she only saw pain.

Raw pain.

False hope.

"You are lying! You just took me out and told me the most beautiful things! We spent the night in each others arms! You told me you love me! You kissed me! You made me believe your love is true!"

"I'm sorry, I wish it could all be different, I wish you were mine and I yours but we can't be."

Tears came down his face, finally displaying the pain he felt.

"No, no, no! Noo! This can't be true!! Look at me!" She pushed herself in his arms. "You love me! You love me! I know you do! I love you! We are going to be together! Us!"

She threw her arms around his neck so their bodies were flushed against each other.

"Babe, please," her voice was soft and her eyes glistened with tears, "if I did something I'm sorry but I'm willing to change! I'm willing to be molded into whatever you want and need! Please don't say this!"

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