Chapter 29

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**italics is English**



This was his mate? Erick didn't understand what she said, but he understood the word mate. It was English, which meant she spoke English. He was too tired to try to piece together what she said with his broken understanding of the language. He was too weak to even take a good look at the women, but he couldn't denied the attraction he felt towards her. His instincts told him she is the one.

Her smell was intoxicating. Her voice was sexy.

He still hadn't seen her. He turned around to see her take down Taehyung in a swift movement, punch Jimin in the stomach and then make Jungkook stop his tracks.

By the look of it, he was completely throw off by something. They all seemed to be hypnotized by her.

He could smell her pheromones as well.

She was an alpha.

But that's impossible because he's an alpha. Which would mean their kids would be true alpha bloods, one of the most rare alphas.

Oh no.

Two alphas could never be together because of their temper, their territorial senses would always clash.


He looked at her back. Her hair, even in a ponytail, landed to her back. His eyes drifted over her body. Her ass made his dick twitch.

Fuck! This was not good! He loves Eun-ji. He felt dirty and disgusted. How could he have the mere thoughts of another women, mate or not.

He felt dizzy, almost having a hard time standing up.

"What you did was out of proportion! You snapped my brothers shoulder!"

"I gave him the treatment he had coming! How dare he punch someone when their back is turned! That's one of the lowest blows you can deliver and I will kill for my mate." Her voice darkened at the defense of what is hers.

She wasn't backing away from Yoongi.

Wait, Yoongi knew English? Since when? Did they all know English? Erick was trying really hard to keep up with the argument but he was too exhausted to even think.

Yoongi was irritated. Mate? When the fuck did she come in? Why didn't Erick say anything?

Yoongi looked past the new comer and saw how Erick was barely standing up. He flinched when he wobbled to the side but the girl caught him, supporting his full weight on her side.

Erick couldn't denied the sparks that flew when he touched her. He instantly felt better being so close to her.

"You have a fever! And you are weak!" He felt her cold hand touch his face, her breath so near. He focused on her for the first time, only to have his breath knocked out again. Her eyes were the deepest of blues he had ever seen. Her lips looked so inviting, plump to just bite. Rosy cheeks, perfect skin. She was his height was well.

A very strong women.

"And you fucking assholes were about to fight with him? In the state that he is? Just what the fuck is your problem!?!" Her eyes turned back to its red, sight directed at the group of men standing in front of them.

When did she even get here? He had some many questions.

However he saw someone push through the small crown that gathered around them. His nose felt the scent of sweet floral smell, however it wasn't sweet. It was dead. She smelled like dead flowers and it was all his fault. His eyes perked up as she approached them, her eyes glistened with tears. God she was beautiful, even after everything she was still gorgeous in his eyes. He tried to push himself off his mate, put she secured her arms around him.

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