Chapter 40

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"Sir! It's happened! Names have been written in the book."

The male was stunned by the information his servant had just provided.

"Bring it to me! I need to see it now!" The servant rushed out of his office and came back with a page. The man snatched out of the servants hand, almost making him coward in fear.

"When did this happen?! Why didn't no one tell me about this!?"

"It just happened sir, I came to tell you as soon as it showed."

"Get someone to translate it for me! I want the names now!" The man's scream echoed in the walls. The servant left shivering from fear. Keeping the boss waiting was never a good outcome for anyone.

It felt like an eternity before the servant came back with another paper and his second in command.

"Sir, it's in Korean." He hanged the new piece of information and left the office again.

"So it's happened. I thought she had stopped."

"She's too fucked up to know when to stop. The bitch has consented to inner breed for as long as time has existed."

"But technically, they were never related. There's no defects, not even on the genetics of our kind."

"Shut the fuck up. I don't need a history lesson. I know!"

The second in common kept quiet. She knew the true story of the werewolves. It was one she found sad. The moon goddess sacrificed so much over and over again to make sure werewolves were protected. She wasn't even beside the love of her life when he passed away. She made sure the race had become strong before they step out into the world. She did what she had to do.

"So if it's Korean that means we need to travel."

"Get everyone ready! We can not waste anymore time. We have waited too long for this." The second on command left the office.

The man stood there, with a big grind on his face. Yes today has been the best day of his life.


"I was supposed to tell you last night but I didn't think you would believe me and I didn't think you would come back to the pack."

"So you fucking tricked me! You knew all along about this! And you didn't tell me?" Eun-ji could feel the burning sensation in the back of her eyes.

"How the fuck am I supposed to accept the fact my brothers are my mates! How I'm a going to live with this! I've dreamt about meeting my mate my whole life just to find out it's some fucked up destiny!"

Erick rushed out of bed, not caring for his wounds. He embraced Eun-ji, tucking her face in his neck. He held she close as she her body started to shake from her sobs.

"I can't do this, I can't. How I'm a supposed to live with this. My whole life has been a lie."

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok. I understand. I'm so sorry Eun-ji. Cry baby, let it all out." At his sweet words heavier tears appeared. It felt like forever when she finally came up from under his embrace.

"Tell me everything please." Erick took a deep breath while holding Eun-jis face in his hands. Her innocent face was permanently ruined by her sad, bloodshot eyes. Her cute nose, runny and red, only made Erick want to keep her save from everyone and everything.

"Ok I'll tell you how I found out." He went and explained everything, why the Moon Goodness had come to visit his dreams, why he became distant with her after that, the reason he broke up with her, everything.

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