Chapter 5

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"Dad, it's ok I don't have to go with them." Taehyung decided to get his sister out of how uncomfortable she looked.

But now the truth was out.

And it was like a light bulb went on their mother's head. They all picked up how her heartbeat increased. They all saw how she grabbed on to the chair's armrest.

"Mom, is there something wrong? I'm sorry I hadn't told you yet, I just hadn't had the time to talk."

She snapped out of her thoughts and looked at her last baby, her only daughter.

"Don't worry about that love. But I do think it's late, why don't we all go to bed. We can talk about this later."

They all could visibly see Eun-ji's body relax at the suggestion. She looped her arm thru Jimin's and Jungkook's, getting ready to pull both of them to her room when she gasped.

It was Hoseok's birthday!  

She quickly went to her back pocket, hoping the necklace was still miraculously there, which it was.

She pulled out a necklace she had made from a red sparkling stone she had found in one of their runs. She immediately thought of her Hobi, so she made it into a necklace for him.

"Hobi I'm sorry I'm not good with gifts but I made this for you." She made towards the beta sitting between Seokjin and Yoongi.

Hoseok's soft lavender filled her nostrils calming her down.

But then Seokjin's rose water and Yoongi's mint scent reminded her Hoseok was sitting between two alphas.

She lowered her gaze. Hopefully she hadn't annoyed the alphas with her burst of energy.

However to the two alphas, her outburst was cute. Yoongi finally got to see her up close and was he blown away by her presence. She had this bright aura about her.

Then he thought about how she's getting ready to be 18 and it saddened him. However he was very good at keeping to himself.

Hoseok looked at the necklace, it had a single red fire stone that had been made to a beautiful woven design.

"Did you make this Eun-ji?"

"Of course I did Hobi. Sorry if I didn't do a good job with the design but when I saw the stone I thought of you. Happy birthday!"

Hoseok looked from the necklace to his baby sisters face, and melted at the purity at which she made this necklace. He could almost feel the butterflies in his stomach.

He got up and hugged her, finally making contact with her. This was the best birthday he has had in a long time. His cheeks began to hurt from smiling so wide.

"Thank you Ji-ah. It's beautiful." She felt his happiness melt her heart. Her sunshine was just as bright as she remembered.

"Ok well we have to go gossip so we will see you all later!" Jungkook quickly bent in front of Eun-ji so she could climb on his back. She giggled, remembering how much trouble they used to get into. She jumped, and laughed when Jungkook ran out the living room, with a Jimin shouting behind them.

The Alpha and Luna of the pack had an idea of what was going on, but it confused them in a sense.

They observed the way Hoseok's face had lit up at having the gift presented. They noticed the annoyance of the others.

They mind linked each other, making a priority to do some research.

"Seokjin, do you mind telling us what happened?" Seokjin was pulled out of his thoughts to look at his father.

"Well it happened when we found each other at the waterfall. We were all coming back in, but we decided to change into our wolfs to get here faster. So we changed and when I went up to get her she saw me and completely submitted to me. Like she was completely on the floor, whimpering."

"Was she like that when she first saw you?"

"No! She was already in her wolf when we got to the waterfall. She jumped Jimin and Taehyung when she saw them. She was so happy! Her wolf couldn't contain her happiness. She looked like a cute puppy." Seokjins face broke into a smile remembering how she looked.

"She greeted Jimin and me father. Then when I introduced Seokjin and Hoseok she greeted with excitement." Taehyung continued the story.

"She was happy to see them. So to get back here faster, we turned into our wolfs. Eun-ji turned around while we changed and then Seokjin-hyung went to get her. But when she saw him, she freaked out. Does she not like Alphas?"

"No she's never like that. I mean, Erick is an alpha and she has never reacted that way."

Taehyung was getting ready to ask who Erick was when their mother interrupted him.

"So what happened next?"

"Jimin and I ran in the back with her while Seokjin and Taehyung took the front. She kept a good distance from them as well. Jimin had to tell Seokjin to leave her alone when he tried to get closer to her," Hoseok finished the story.

Namjoon and Yoongi took the new information in.

"After that, she has been uncomfortable around us. And it seems like Namjoon and Yoongi are also included," Seokjin ended the conversation.

There was a brief pause in the conversation when Taehyung spoke again.

"I don't understand why she wound be uncomfortable around me. We were best friends before I left. Jimin left first. I had more time to spend with her and bond, and yet she hasn't talked to me since we met each other."

Taehyung felt despair in his chest.

"She never covered herself from me. And now she won't even look my way." His voice quiet down to a whisper.

"I'll talk to her. But this is very strange. She has a very feisty personality. She never quiets her thoughts, not even if it's an alpha she's talking to. But don't worry son, her birthday is in two months. You all will get to spend some time with her before she leaves."

The alpha leader looked over to his five sons. Despite the circumstances, he felt pride flourish in his chest. He had beautiful pups, giving to him by his mate. They had become great creatures, with integrity and love. He could see the hard work both his wife and he did: all the sleepless nights, meals that had been prepared, all the laughter that had been shared.

All his eight pups were his most priced gift. He looked over to his wife. His heart beat skipped noticing how lucky he had been.

"Dad, you are drooling over mom again."

He smirked as his wife made eye contact with him.

"Boys, make yourself at home. And if you excuse me, I think I might just give you another pup to call brother." His smirk grew wider when he noticed his wife's cheeks turning a pink color.

"Dad!! We don't want to know!" A bunch of groans escaped their mouths.

"It's ok. You just might hear." He jumped to pull his wife in her arms, lifting her bridal style. She yelped at such intimate gesture, her wolf already happy with anticipation.

"Dad! We don't want to know!!" Taehyung spoke before looking at his father running out the living room with his mother in his arms.

The boys could still hear them giggle which only brought a smile to their faces.

"Oh my Goddess! I just realized something!" Everyone turned to Taehyung. "All the times I said dad was hurting mom was because of this!!?!" His face crumpled at the realization while the others laughed.

"I fought with dad one time about hurting mom!" Taehyung's voice grew in volume, while he pointed to his chest, face expressing his betrayal.

The others laughed even more loud.

"I think that was the time Eun-ji was made!" Hoseok was able to say between giggles, which made everyone continue to laugh.

"Tae, we almost didn't have a sister because of you!"

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