Chapter 11

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***Bold means it was said in mind link***

Eun-ji was too stubborn to admit it. But whatever Erick had given her had made wonders. She knew it could not have been a wolf remedy.

Damn that witch friend of his. It was all planned.

She had taken a nap, and woke up late afternoon.

Baby? Where you at? She reached out to Erick.

Oh hey! Finally! You been out amor.

Sorry my head was killing me but I feel better. Where you at?

Oh I'm actually here on a run with your brothers.

Say what?

Yeah they apologized after you left with the medicine. We have been hanging out since then. They are pretty cool dudes actually.

Why haven't they said anything to me?

Aww baby don't feel bad. They just didn't want to overwhelm you with your hangover. But they do want to talk.

Ohh ok. Eun-ji didn't know how to feel. She wanted to make things right with her brothers.

All right babe, see you in a few hours.

Eun-ji decided another nap wouldn't hurt.


She woke up because the sun was shining through her window. Eun-ji squinted her eyes, trying to adjust to the unwelcome brightness.

Why was the sun coming through like it does in the mornings. It took her a couple seconds to realize it might just be the next day.

She stretched, popping some bones. Her head was not hurting but her body felt heavy from sleeping so much.

However she made it to the bathroom and took a very long shower.


They realized they had made a mistake in judging Erick. After spending the whole day with him, they found out he was really nice, respectful and he loved their sister very much.

They felt guilty for having such an ugly confrontation with him as their first encounter. They didn't know what came over them but it was clear they could not let it happen again.

It also felt nice to have spend some time with each other. Now that all the meetings were officially over, they could go back to being regular citizens of their pack. They were all assigned tasks around to help out.

But spending the whole day together made their brotherhood bond feel rejuvenated. It has been such a long time. Things were different. They went kids anymore.

Jungkook was turning 23, more mature and not the little shithead that thought he was good at everything. He was more humble now.

They got the time to spend almost the whole day in their wolf forms and enjoy their primal instincts.

Taehyung was a little worried about their sister. His master plan to get her back was still in effect, but he needed to apologize to make it work. He didn't want to admit it but Erick was a very nice guy, almost too nice. It made him question if he was hiding something.

It was the next day and he still hadn't heard anything from Eun-ji. Was she ok? What did Erick give her for medicine?

Erick told them she had woken up to mind link him. It pissed him off more than it should. He wanted to have secret conversations with her as well.

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