Chapter 35

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"Where did dad go?" As much as Hoseok wanted to leave his dad's office, he didn't have the strength to actually do it. The pull towards one of his mates was making him stay.

"He went to talk to Seokjin, Jimin and Jungkook." Their mother's soft voice broke the silence.

Namjoon sat on one the the desk chairs, as far from Hoseok as he could, silently listening to he conversation. The younger hadn't said anything, but the way his face would crunch up from time told the older he was deep in thought.

"Is he doing to tell them? Like how you should have told us?"

"Hobi darling, would you have believed me? If I had come up to you and said everything?" Hoseok knew the answer. Of course not. He is still having a hard time believing what is happening.

Even when the answer is the sexiest 181 cm he had even seen.

Now everything makes sense. How he felt, how they reacted. Everything is lining up perfectly with their emotions.

Hoseok glanced over to his brother one more time.

How did everything turned out so fucked up.

"So are we just supposed to be ok with fucking each other and sucking each others dicks?"

"Hoseok! Stop this! Mom did what she had to do."

"Oh you can speak now?"

"Don't come to me with your bullshit for fuck sake! Would you have believe them is they told us the truth?"

Of course he wouldn't. But his heart and soul would have believed them. It's just his mind. The idea of it all.

"I'm sorry. I know I should have said something but we weren't sure. We thought She had stopped. I'm sorry. If I hadn't been one of her descendants then none of this would have happened." Both boys didn't knowing how to console their mother as her eyes became glossy.

Both got up at the same time but stopped when they looked at each other. They couldn't deny how the bond was pulling them in.

Hoseok made the first move and walked towards his mother. He rubbed circles on her back and hugged her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

Why did he have to be such an asshole to his mother?

"I'm sorry too. It's just... I can't wrap my head around all this. But I know you and dad did your best." The Luna at his soft words and hugged him back. Hoseok didn't do anything more but to sit with his mom while she cried.


"So what happened?"

"Well Seokjin kicked me out and said he's not coming out of the room. Jimin was very understanding but he's not accepting anything and Jungkook understood but kicked me out when I told him about his mates."

"However my beta just told me he saw Jungkook make his way towards Jimin's room. He hasn't come out so at least those two are talking things out." The Alpha looked over at the two stubborn mates. They still sat farthest from each, not daring to look. But he smiled when he saw both try to steal side glances at each other.

"What about Eun-ji? She's still not back yet right?" At the Luna's question both boys perked up their ears.

"No she's still out with Erick."

"What the fuck is she doing with Erick?" Namjoon's eyes turned their garnet red as he stood up from the chair.

"First, relax. They always go out the night of her birthday. They usually come back in the morning. Second, I don't understand why you are getting so overprotective. You don't want to accept your sister as your mate remember." The Alpha's words stalled Namjoon.

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