Chapter 22

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It was killing him.

Not being able to see Eun-ji was tearing him apart.

Everyone had the chance to see her, except him. Jealousy threatened to come out in bursts of anger towards his brothers and one individual in particular.

Eun-ji had locked herself in her room, only allowing their mom and dad, her best friends and her boyfriend in.

The fact Erick had been able to see her and he still hadn't since everything happened was edging his patience.

He needed to see Eun-ji was okay. He needed to see her physically, to sense her energy levels to make his protectiveness calm down.

Many nights he had stepped out of his room, so silently not even the moon knew. He waited till she slept, some nights he waited more than others but he didn't care, and he would stand at her door, holding himself back from opening and just giving into his instincts.

He was on the verge of crazy, and when Erick would come out her room smelling sweet and floral, his wolf would sit at the verge of attacking. His nails and teeth wanted nothing more than to kill Erick for loving what was his.

But his logic held him back, and submerged him in self-hatred. His mind was telling him he was delusional and a pervert for having such strong feeling towards his sister. She was his sister, how was he supposed to talk to someone and say his instincts had him on the verge of killing for her.

He needed a way out, he needed to talk to someone and just let everything out but he the shame always consumed him.

And now his brothers were starting to notice something was really off with Hoseok.

His personality and demeanor where always dark and negative. They couldn't ask him a question without him snapping at them or making them feel useless and dumb.

Hosoek knew he was being unfair towards his brothers. So he decided to distance himself from everyone, completely shutting himself out in his room as well.


"Why does it feel like we are falling apart?" Jimin was brave to ask his brothers. It was another night of their parents not joining them for dinner, as well as Hoseok.

The silence covered everyone in its cold embrace.

"Because we are Jimin." Namjoon voiced out their fears, speaking them into existence.

"Does anyone know what is wrong with Hoseok? Why he began to shut himself out?"

Yoongi looked over at his older brother. He scanned his face. Seokjin had his eyebrows knitted in concern.

Yoongi knew exactly what was going on. He always stood in front of Eun-ji's door and used his ability to see if by any chance she came out her room when no one was around. 

Yoongi was disappointed to not see Eun-ji, but he would see Hoseok go and stand at her door. At first, it didn't look like anything but for the past week he went every night, and just stood like a statue outside her room.

Yoongi felt bad. It looked like Hosoek was fighting with a demon trying to make him do something he'll regret. The only thing it wasn't a demon, he was fighting with himself and Yoongi knew this. He saw the frustration, pain and hurt in Hoseok.

"I think I know what is going on Seokjinie-hyung. I'm going to talk to him tonight." Yoongi decided to speak up.

"Do you know something we don't know Yoongi?"

"Of course I do hyung, but I need to talk to Seokie first then I can show you."

Everyone understood at that moment Yoongi had seen something with Hoseok.

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