Chapter 28

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"Im sorry I've haven't been able to stop by Ji-ah."

"It's ok, I understand. You're a dad now! Tell me! How are things going? How's Maria?" Eun-ji tried to show excitement for Jay's visit.

Jay cleared his entire day, made sure it was ok with his mate then proceed to kick out all of her brothers first thing in the morning, declaring it was a best friend's hangout day.

"He's growing so fast! Sometimes it doesn't feel true. I've never thought I could love something so much. It's just really hard to explain and then to do all this with my mate is just beautiful."

Eun-ji looked at the dumb look on Jay's face.

"God you look so stupid."

Jay snapped his sharp gaze towards Eun-ji.

"But I wouldn't want it any other way. I'm happy you found your mate Jay."

There was a pregnant pause. Jay wanted to ask but didn't know if he should.

"How are you feeling?"

"Honestly.... I've never felt heart ache like this. I don't know what I did wrong, or if something happened. I'm just lost." Her voice broke and her eyes became moist at the thought of everything.

How did her life change in one second.

How could words be powerful enough to break everything she ever was.

"I know babe and I'm sorry. I don't know what's going on either."

"What did he tell you?"

"He only linked me and said he had done something terrible. I rushed to the training house as fast as I could. Fuck Eun-ji! I wanted to beat the shit out of him. When I saw what he did to you my wolf almost took over. And the fucking cowards still hasn't come back."

Despite everything, Eun-ji wanted Erick to be back. She needed to see him. To make sure he's ok.

"I just want to talk to him. If he doesn't want to be with me, I... I... I want to fight for us. I just need to talk to him, that's all I want."

Jay wrapped Eun-ji in his arms and made his way to her bed. He silently picked up the omega and tucked her in the bed. As fast as he could he grab a few blankets from her closet.

She needed to nest.

His instincts needed to comfort his omega. Although not his mate, but part of his pack anyways.

He made a nest, frowning for not making it better for her, then he dived into it as well, making sure to wrap his arms around her for support.

Eun-ji felt his love through his actions. As she cried and as he held her tight, she realized there were many more people in her life that would show her love.

That would comfort her.

Support her.

Love her.

Though the type of love she lost was different than the type of love she was feeling, she would always have love.

Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.


"I really don't want to go."

"Ji, you are a bad bitch! We are not going to spend our entire day crying over that steppable insect! We must march on and show everyone what a good catch you are! C'mom girl! Hop on!"

Eun-ji burst out laughing. Jay made her take a shower to come back from the land of desolation and put on a cute outfit.

She needed to "look for something better." He told her things happen for a reason but we won't know til we go through the full change and turn around to see the full picture.

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