Chapter 18

234 18 1

Bold is mind link

The sun was out and birds chirped away.

Yoongi turned over his left side, with enough energy to grunt and pull the cover of the sleeping bag over him. The light began to bother him.

His eyes kept trying to shut. He wanted to fall back asleep, but he remembered how they were supposed to get up early to get ready for their mini hunting trip.

He mentally laughed. If he had to take a guess, the sun felt high in the sky and everyone was still sleeping. He opened his eyes and saw Taehyung snuggled into the crook of Jimin's neck.

He chuckled. The most cuddly alpha ever to exist had to be Taehyung.

He let himself be taken back to sleep.


"Namjoon! Hoseok! Jungu-ah! Wake up! It's super late!!" Seokjin woke up because of the brightness filtering through their tent.

They were supposed to be up and long away in the mountains by now.

Everyone grunted and hid in their sleeping bags.

"Guys! It's late! It's almost 10! Let's get ready and hide everything so we can get some food! I'm hungry."

No one dare move.

Seokjin opened their sleeping bags, making them shiver at the cold air.

"Guys! Get up!"

Seokjin told them one more time before getting out and going to the neighboring tent. He opened it up to find Yoongi deep sleep, Taehyung and Jimin cuddled together and Eun-ji gone.

"Guys! Wake up!" He went over to them and shook them lightly.

"Where is Ji-ah? Did she tell you where she went?" At Seokjin's question, the three of them woke up, tiredly rubbing their eyes.

Yoongi turned over and saw her cloths neatly folded on top of her sleeping bag.

"Did she wake any of you guys before leaving?" Seokjin's began to panic.

Taehyung and Jimin finally looked over and saw her clothes, bag empty.

"She probably went out for a run. Her clothes are here which means she's in her wolf." Jimin concluded.

"Well let's get ready so when she comes back we can all go then!" Seokjin's panic subsided.

Everyone nodded their heads and got out ready to get everything packed back up.


"Don't you think she should be here by now?" Jungkook asked the group.

It had been almost three hours since they all got up and got ready. They had found a perfect hiding spot for their items. Everything had been put away and now they were just waiting for Eun-ji.

"Did any of you noticed when she left?" Hosoek asked Jimin, Taehyung and Yoongi.

"No we noticed when Seokjin-hyung came to wake us up," Taehyung answered.

Namjoon and Seokjin had been sniffing around the camp site, trying to catch her scent. They eventually did and saw it went towards the lake.

"Well her scent is going towards the lake. Let's go maybe we can find her." Namjoon announced.

"Ok should we go in our wolfs or...?"

"I think human, just in case." Namjoon answered Jimin questions.

They took their time, following her scent, stopping to laugh when they noticed she took a shit on the way to the lake.

As they got closer they caught several new scents. They were sour, acidic and dirty. It came from their left side. They noticed the new smells over powered her floral scent and it mingled with her scent trail.

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