Chapter 25

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***bold is mind link**

Eun-ji had never cried in her wolf form.

However she knew there was a first for everything.

Maybe it was an April fools joke?

But she knew Erick would never dare do a prank on her. He was too scared when she got mad.

Baby? You did all this for me?

Her heart swelled up at seeing a white cloth tent with cushions inside it. The floating lights resembled those of fireflies, a slow burn that would turn off and on.

There was a wooden board, filled with cut out fruits, and a pitcher filled with a white liquid.

A change of clothes neatly folder by the board.

I wanted to surprise you. I'm not sure if the horchata is good but I tried. I made sure to—

Erick was tackled down by her beautiful white wolf. She got on top of him and licked his fur with moist eyes.

Baby!! I love it! How are the lights floating!? Are you sure you are not a witch?

Erick whined.

I'm not a witch but I've learned a few things from Eduardo. C'mom amor, we need to get started.

Eun-ji happily wagged her tail making her way to the tent.

You prepped all this? Don't answer let's change back.

Eun-ji quickly turned and put her clothes on. She tackle her boyfriend in a bone-crushing hug, to which he responded by holding her tight against him.

Nothing but the sound of the waterfall served as the background noise to their night.


Erick was back at the waterfall. He was confused. He swore he went back home after packing everything away with Eun-ji.

So why was he back here?

He looked around. It felt real enough. The earth under his feet felt like real ground.

Why didn't he have shoes on?

How did he get here anyways?

The waterfall had a gleaming soft glow, almost like reflecting the full moon.

But it shouldn't have been a full moon out.

He ears picked up a noise. His claws came out, ready to attack anyone.

However, he was perplexed when a beautiful lady stepped out of the darkness and into the light of the moon.

Her hair fell in clumps to her knees. Her robe almost glowed. Her soft tan skin looked perfect and soft to the touch.

She had a demanding elegance, something he couldn't look away from.

She was beautiful.

Something about her felt like home.

They way she walked had him in a trance; it looked like she gravitated off the ground.

He wanted to attack but the feeling of warmth and home spread throughout his body.

He felt a soft embrace around him.

He lady stopped in front of him, displaying a mouth full of perfect pearl white teeth.

"Now my darling, you don't need to be on the defense." Her voice was beautiful.

"How about we sit down and talk." She moved to the side and the same tent he had for Eun-ji appeared behind her.   

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