Chapter 14

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After getting past the wrestling, banana milk, chocolate milk, strawberry milk, and sweet pastries, Eun-ji was finally comfortable with all her brothers.

Who would have thought it would only take her to be bloated on sweets to get there.

They all sat in a circle under the blankets that served as a tent.

Taehyung rested his head on his sisters lap, legs on Hoseok's lap. Eun-ji kept running her fingers through Taehyung's hair.

They had spent then last 4 hours talking and getting to know details about each other.

"So Seokjin, I remember dad saying you have a girlfriend. I want to know more about that." Eun-ji asked as she reached over for some potato chips.

Seokjin could feel his ears get hot. All of his siblings stared at him waiting for the story.

"She's back in China, that's were I've been the last year and a half year. When I got to the pack it had been 3 years since she lost her mate but it still troubled her the same. She, uh, she opened herself to me and I helped her out. We clicked so well. She's a beautiful person."

Taehyung looked over to Jimin where they both made gagging noises.

"Could you be more mature! It's beautiful what he just said!" Eun-ji was a sucker for non-mate love stories.

"It's ok Ji-ah, they are immature they won't understand it." Eun-ji nodded her head. She understood more than any one else.

"How did you and Erick become a couple?" It pained Seokjin to ask such a question but he wanted to know about every aspect of her life.

"He came over to our pack as soon as he turned 18. I was 14 when we meet. It was an instant bond. We became friends really fast. I wanted something more from the beginning but I was scared. As much as omegas are treated well here I know not everyone thinks the same. And I'm the Alpha's only daughter. But things just developed. We got the approval from our parents. The rest is history."

Seokjin felt his stomach drop at the dreamy look his sister had. It bothered him more than it should.

"Well you won't be the only omega that has dated and you won't be the last. As long as he makes you happy, that's all that matters." Eun-ji looked up to Namjoon, seeing a sweet smile on his face.

She could definitely get used to this.

"So anyone else?" She raised her eyebrows at the rest.

They looked away from her. For some reason, taking to her about their past love life didn't sit well with them. They felt like they were betraying her.

"Oh C'mom! You guys are way too handsome for me to believe you don't have girlfriends."

"You think we are handsome?" A baffled Namjoon asked. He wasn't beauty standard, not to the region of the world where they lived.

"Namjoon your dimples are the cutest thing I have seen. I can also tell you are a great Alpha. You are tall, well fit, and I love your eye shape. You are handsome." She stated as a matter of fact. Eun-ji could not believe her brother's doubt.

Who made him feel like he wasn't handsome. She wanted to punch a bitch in the face for making him ever believe the opposite.

Namjoon felt how his chest became warm at her words. He has never fit the standard to be called handsome.

"You really think so?" Namjoon asked with disbelief.

"Joonie your mate is going to have you, my brother. Yes I'm sure." At the mention of a mate brought his hopes went down.

They kept the conversation going between them. Namjoon stayed quiet, trying to analyze his feelings.

He had flings in the past. He thought back to when he thought he was in love. He went back to the times lust and instincts took over his body.

Her words made him feel something different. Something real. Something he wanted to have.

It made him feel disgusted at the warm feeling his chest had blossom to her words. Such simple words.

He thought back to the girl he was getting to know for the past few months. He liked her, but why did it not feel right now?

Not even his most developed feelings had such an effect on him.

Could it be...

"So what you think Namjoon?"

Namjoon turned over to meet the hopeful puppy eyes of Taehyung. He wondered how this guy was a alpha and not an omega.

"I'm sorry Tae. What did you say?"

"We are planning of going camping this weekend! To commemorate the start of our bond with Eun-ji! Weren't you paying attention hyung?"

"He was probably thinking about Scarlet." Jimin butted in, insinuating where the alphas thoughts were.

All the other boys made noises to hype up what Jimin just said. Some even made kissing noises, while Jimin and Hosoek hugged each other with puckered lips.

"Will you guys grow up! It's not like I'm the only one! Jimin and Yoongi have girlfriends too! And Hoseok had a boyfriend!"

Eun-ji laughed at how Namjoon decided to get back at others. She often forgot Namjoon was the middle child.

"How's my personal life funny to you huh?" Hosoek asked his sister with a pout.

"I'm sorry Hobi, you guys are just really funny." Hosoek narrowed his eyes at her.

"But hold on!! Yoongi and Jimin also have girlfriends? And Namjoon and Seokjin? How come you guys haven't said anything!" Eun-ji made her face sad, cute plump lips pout.

"We didn't think it was important. Seokjin is the only one that's serious about it. The rest of us are just fucking around to be honest." Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, very nonchalantly.

"Ah well I still want to know! It can't be possible I have four potentially sisters in laws in the works and not know anything about them."

The night continued to the early morning as they shared stories between them, and laughed as they remembered memories.

Their ugly encounter forgotten.

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