Chapter 37

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****Bold is mind link***

Erick didn't have time to react.

One second he was there, finding comfort and courage in Eun-ji to tell who her mates were when he suddenly was viciously attacked by four sets of sharp teeth. No hesitation as the four wolf enclosed on his flesh. His left shoulder, torso and both upper thighs had been damaged. He yelp and groaned as the teeth ripped pass his fur and pierced the skin. He felt his warm blood rushed out and smudged his coat.

He tried to fight back, kick the wolfs even when every nerve on his body was drowning in agony. His pain only grew as he felt their teeth sunk in deeper and drag him away from Eun-ji.

He didn't care. He wrestled and barked at them, only to have one wolf bite how on his snout.

Eun-ji got up quick to see his best friend be attack by four wolfs. She was confused. Her mind was trying to catch up with what was happening and her senses were overwhelmed by strong smells. The attraction she felt towards the group was too much. Her omega instincts were happy she had found her mates.

They were on the verge of killing Erick.

Her Erick.

Something ignited inside of her. Something broke when she saw how Erick was trying to fight against four wolfs. Flashbacks of the terrible night she suffered began to run through her mind. Her anger was fueled by the tinted red of Erick's blood.

No one was going to attack Erick, mates or not.

She felt a pressure on her chest, a pressure that needed to be let out. She barked, the most powerful sound she had ever let out. It almost seemed like the air around her was disturbed by the sound waves of her voice.

The four wolfs weren't ready for the invisible force that hit their forms and the high pitch disturbance on their ears. They didn't have a choice but to let go of Erick and crowd on the ground with their ears down while they whined at the pain.

She barked again, and the four wolf whimper from the invisible attack. The bark threw their hearing senses off, the high pitch ringing kept on getting higher, hurting, feeling like their ear drums were going to explode.

Eun-ji rushed over to Erick. He was wounded and his beautiful thick coat was drenched in blood.

Baby I'm sorry. I couldn't defend you

She heard Erick's faint voice in her head. Fuck she was going to make those wolfs pay for what they did.

She should be affected being so close to them but her anger was more. She didn't know how she did it but she blocked their scents out as she bit down on Erick's leg to drag him away from them.

She heard Erick's faint whimpers.

Please stay awake baby. I'm trying to get you away from them.

Fuck she hated feeling so helpless. She tried to pull Erick away from them before they got back up on their feet. She wanted to cry at Erick contorting in pain with every pull.

Fuck she felt so weak, barely being able to move Erick a few centimeters at a time. She didn't want to press down harder than what she was already doing. Why did she have to be a weak omega.

Suddenly she felt someone by her side. She looked over and it was both her parents. They careful put their hands on the injured wolf and dragged him towards their house.

Just in time the other four wolf were able to get back up, the ringing just faintly buzzing in their ears.

Eun-ji turned to face them and bared their teeth at them. Her wolf was on overdrive with the need to protect Erick. She didn't know why but the bond with him felt stronger.

The four wolfs took some time to adjust back again. However nothing mattered when they laid eyes on one of the most beautiful wolf they had seen. She had a white coat and deep blue eyes, absolutely captivating. Her sweet floral smell was better than they remembered.

They stood frozen, not moving, just feeling happy with finally getting to see their omega mate. She was perfect. Everything about her felt right to them.

"Fuck! What the fuck happened here?" The Alphas voice made the four wolfs take their eyes off Eun-ji and focus to what's happening behind her.

They saw the Luna rush back inside the house, hands stained red.

As much as Eun-ji wanted to turn around and check on Erick, she went against it and stood ready to attack.

Jungkook was the first one to make a move forward only to stop when a ferocious and savage snarl came from Eun-ji.

Her stance was fixed, canines bared, eyes crazy with murder.

"Oh my God! What happened?!" Another rushed voice came towards them. Eun-ji recognized the voice as the Beta of the pack but she was too far gone into her animal mind to think about lowering her stance.

The Luna came out the house with a bucket of water and lots of rags. She needed to clean Erick up. The wounds were bad but his alpha status gave him an advantage over betas and omegas. He would heal even faster.

The Alpha waited for his beta to take his place next to the injured wolf before rushing to get between Eun-ji and his sons.

"What the fuck happened!? Hoseok!? Namjoon!?! She's your mate so now you have the authority to attempt kill one of your own pack members? Just...."

Eun-ji was trying to calm her raging heart. She needed to come back to her human headspace.

The Alpha, Luna and Beta are here. Erick is safe. The Alpha, Luna and Beta are here. Erick is safe.

She kept on chanting these words to herself till her body relaxed and she wasn't snarling and growling anymore. Her body felt weak, the adrenaline of the situation finally leaving her body. Her mind catching up to the events.

What the fuck had just happened?

She finally looked up and was met with her father going off on the four wolfs that attack Erick.

Then it finally hit her.

These four wolfs were her brothers.

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