Chapter 9

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I'm sorry if I offended you. My name is Erick, I'm an alpha and I'm Eun-ji's boyfriend. Hopefully we can all be great friends.

These words kept echoing in their heads.


But she was just 17, about to turn 18.

"Dad you let her get a boyfriend? Before becoming of age?"

Disbelief flooded through Eun-ji as she heard Namjoon speak.

"Son, Erick has done nothing but respect our family and Eun-ji. His parents helped us out when the North—''

"So that's it. She's payment for them helping you out 25 years ago?"

Not Seokjin thought Eun-ji. His voice was saturated with venom.

"Son, you know we would never do that. He's a nice guy and loves Eun-ji and she loves him back."

Seokjin laughed at his father's words.

"For fucking sakes! She's 17! What could she know about love!" He growl the words out, his anger out, voice bouncing of the walls.

"Seokjin, do not talk to your father that way. You have been away for ten years. And what we allow our daughter to do is not of your or your brother's concern. We raised seven children before her."

Seokjin glared at his parents, his anger clearly clouding his judgment. He couldn't control his need to get his sister out of the hold of that damn man.

Why was this so infuriating?

She's not the first omega that dates and she won't be the first.

"This is very hypocritical of you son. Eun-ji was just telling you how happy she is because you have someone you want to marry. Not to mention some of you have romantic affairs in the works." He made sure to look at Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin and Hosoek. "We trust both of them."

Taehyung, Yoongi and Namjoon scoffed at the last part.

"That's funny because he was getting ready to fuck her a couple minutes ago."

Okay now Erick had had enough of their childish jealousy, especially of this Seokjin guy and his last nasty comment.

"Dad, I never thought your kids were this disrespectful." Erick made sure to put Eun-ji behind him as he spoke, just in case the alphas lost control.

"What the fuck did you just call my father?" Taehyung's body shook from the rage he felt from those words. His eyes turned crimson red.

He started to make his way towards Erick when Hoseok pulled him back.

"Guys, let's stop this. It's Yoongi's birthday. We have a party to get to. Please, let's talk when we have calm down." Hosoek tried to put some sense into his brothers.

Jimin, Jungkook and Hosoek didn't look like they were ready to rip Erick to pieces. They looked calmed and hadn't said a thing about the situation.

Now the alphas were not within reason. Namjoon and Seokjin had said enough of how they were feeling.

Seokjin had straight up disrespected their parents.

"I really don't know why you need to give your input into my relationship with your sister. We have dated for three years. I love her and she loves me, so your childish behavior wont change that." Erick discharged authority at his last words, making direct eye contact with Seokjin, and another of the brothers, the tallest one, he noticed.

"Nena, let's go dance shall we?" He turned around and directed the most sweetest smile he could muster. He needed to take Eun-ji out of the house, out of such ridged tension.

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