Chapter 47

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Taehyung stood perplexed.

He listened to everything Erick had said. Well he had to stay and listen. He was bonded by blood.

Everything seemed like a lie, a mistake, false information. A destiny design to take everything away from him.

He didn't believe him, but his father and mother stood there and also said skeptical things, confusing words he didn't comprehend.

They showed him a book, filled with names upon names of people whose lives had been destroyed like his.

He felt rage. At his parents, at the Moon Goddess, at Erick for knowing.

But rage would mean he believed what they were saying.

No he was in denial, a contradiction making his head hurt.

He shutdown for a few minutes causing everyone else to go in a small panic.

But Jimin, Eun-ji and Jungkook came out to greet him. They came into the living room. He felt their presence before they even showed up. He could feel their aura through the house.

He was sucked out of his dark thoughts when they came into his line of sight. Instantly, those three became his everything yet he refused to accept it.

"We don't expect you to forgive us son. But know we didn't know. We thought it was over a long time ago."

Taehyung looked up to meet the eyes of his father.

"You are not my dad anymore are you? Jen told me it was cute how I wanted to have your last name. But now she said I'm Kim Taehyung." A flash of hurt crossed his mind. He loved his parents, "what about you guys?"

Taehyung looked over at his younger mates. They were absolutely beautiful.

"Park Jimin."

"Jeon Jungkook."

"Lee Eun-ji."

Their voices alone sent shivers through his body.  He looked over at them, their scents the most heavily smells he had come across.

They were comfort, love, laugher, quiet promises, loud happiness. They were everything he had ever dreamt about having.

Now his mind went back to all the incidents from the past two months.

"I understand now, everything and why we reacted the way we did."


No one moved and no one had anything else to say.

What could have been said?

Taehyung understood his parents, but he also understood Seokjin and Yoongi's points. Just how was he supposed to accept the truth and just carry on with his life. Just because everyone didn't remember anything didn't mean it didn't happened. How was he supposed to forget their memories of growing up together? All their laughters and their fights? How was he going to put those memories behind him and start new? With all seven of them?

"Where are you going?"

"I'm not bonded anymore, I have listened to everything you needed to say."

Taehyung slowly took steps out the living room.

"But where are you going?"

Taehyung looked over at the owner of that sweet voice. He wanted nothing more than to stay with them.

But it wasn't possible.

"I'm sorry but.... I don't think I can stay. I really hope everyone finds the love they deserve in their lifetime." Taehyung's deep timber carried sadness with it.

The three didn't move as they saw another of their soulmates leave through the door.


Taehyung felt disoriented.

His body moved through the houses and trees, but it was like it moved on it's own. He looked around the streets that saw him grow. He looked around at the trees that protected his home. Every where he looked a memory of his siblings came rushing through.


Why had life been so cruel to him?

He felt his heart shattered for his mates, for his dreams, for everything that could have been.

Of course he could see they were made for each other. He could see how perfectly they fit. Each one complementing the other and still not selfish enough to take.

He left his feet take him around places that reminded him of them.

'Fuck I really need to get out. It's now or never.'

With a shattered heart he ran, not in any direction just ran.

He ran not caring if his body was tired from his rut. He ran not caring he didn't have anything to replenish his energy with.

He didn't care.

He just ran into the surrounding mountains and away from anything that was them.

His legs finally buckled, exhaustion taking over his body. He looked around the place but he only saw trees. He laid over the grass and closed his eyes, trying to calm his fast breathing.

He did it. He was able to do what his mind said.

His heart ached. He ached for them.

A snap of a twig made him quickly get up, claws out in an instant. From the corner of his eye he saw something move.

Then suddenly, someone came out from behind a tree.

He didn't recognize the woman, but she was tall, muscle clearly decorated her body. Dark hair braided neatly to her left.

Three more people appear to his left and four to his right. Taehyung left his body pulse with threat. Who ever these people were, they didn't seem friendly.

"Well it really must be our lucky day. Which one are you?" The women spoke in English with a slight accent.

Taehyung didn't respond. He began to drench his sharpen nails with his paralyzing venom. Never had he be been more happy to have been given a special gift by the moon Goddess herself.

"Well it doesn't matter. Solo no lo maten. El
Jefe lo quiere vivo*." The women said. Taehyung picked it up as Spanish. He remembers how it sounds from a vacation he took in Mexico.

The women turned around just as the other seven attacked.


*Just don't kill him. The boss wants him alive.

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