Chapter 56

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"Should I be honored you decided to come see me?"

Erick felt his stomach turn listening to his father's voice. He hated him. Although he knows hate is a very strong word, he felt it.

He hated his father.

Every time he looked in the mirror he couldn't help despise his face. He looked so much like him. Same eyes, nose, skin complexion. He hated being reminder in every reflection.

"He doesn't need to talk to you Santos. We are here for a quick chat."

"Really? Then why is he here?" He barely had the strength to nod his head towards Jimin. The chains around his arms, legs and neck where dipped in virgins blood and wolfsbane. Both very deadly to wolfs. His skin permanently scorched from where the chains touched his skin. Body weak, just enough to keep him alive.

The days had blurred being stuck in the cell. The only way he knew which day of the week it was was because they changed his chains every Sunday. Fresh dipped chains were put on him, but those few seconds when they got taken off for the new ones were heaven to him.

"Well that's only if you don't want to cooperate, but I think with how well we have been treating you it shouldn't be a problem." The Alphas face remain blank. This was also torture for him. Santos had been one of his best friends.

Memories of their earlier years, happy moments filled with laughter and mischief, always invade his mind.

They have kept him in the underground jail cell. Almost impossible to get out, their highest security. Both Santos and Eduardo have been underground for the past year.

"I found the book." Erick finally had the courage to speak.

"Well congratulations. Should I give you a hug?" Santos sarcastically said to his son.

How could this men even be his blood. Erick couldn't recognize him anymore.

"We want the names."

Santos understood the question. It was only time before they figured there were others.

"I'll rather die." With the very little energy he had, Santos looked up into his old friend's eyes. They were cold, no warmth or empathy for him.

"Well we can't just give you the easy way out but it's going to be worse if you don't give us the rest."

Santos laughed. As painful as it was to move with the metal of the chains digging into his skin, he laughed. His ridicule only caused anger in the three males. And Jimin was not feeling as considerate as his father and friend.

Jimin had figured out the strength of his emotions could fuel his ability. And right now he was furious, enough to kill the scum if given the chance.

Santos completely stopped his laughter, body going ridge. He looked up, eyes not really focusing on anything. He felt his body move on its own accord. His laughter had stopped on someone else's command.

But how?

He knew the boy needed to make eye contact with his victim to be able to hypnotize them. Not once had he looked his way. So how was it possible to feel a foreign entity and energy take over his body? His mind stared to think of names, all spilling out of his mouth with no hesitation.

It was like he was a puppet.

"Well thank you for the information Santos. How about were they live."

His mind acted on his own as it tried to recall the places where the rest of the hunters lived, every bit of information spilled out in the open for them to know.

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