Chapter 46

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"Are you sure there isn't anything wrong?"

"I already told you, I'm fine. I think I'm still weak from my rut."

"I'm sorry about that. I completely forgot about it. Sucks to be you." Seokjin heard Chao-xing chuckle through the phone.

Before her chuckle would have been enough to drive him crazy, but now it felt foreign.

"Don't worry, Ima make it right next time." Her voice, wrapped with sexual desire, insinuated a promise. Seokjin could feel his stomach drop at the thought of being with her. How is he supposed to walk away from them and make a life with his girlfriend?

"Im leaving tomorrow. My flight's early in the morning."

"Great, I can't wait to see you. I've missed you."

"I've.... I've missed you too. See you tomorrow."

"Lov—" Seokjin cut the call before he had to say those words, before he had to lie to himself. He's been in Seoul for two days trying to get the courage to leave the country and go back to China.

He hadn't had the nerves to buy the ticket but he finally did after getting a called from his girlfriend worried about his rut. Her concern made him feel even more guilty. He couldn't bring himself to tell her he found out his siblings were his mates.

He couldn't say his baby sister was the catalyst, the missing piece to their group, the one they needed to figure out the truth. He understood why he was jealous when he first meet Erick. He understood the stupid connection he felt to all of them now.

He recognized his heart wanted them.

Seokjin had been mindlessly wondering through the city, only to look up and see his feet had brought him to the grandma's restaurant. Memories of being here with his brothers flooded his mind.

He didn't want to admit it but he missed them. So he went in and sat at the same table they sat when they got back in Seoul. The same pretty waitress took care of him, recognition flashing through her eyes, but now, he couldn't see her beauty.

He knew she was beautiful but to him, his mates were the most beautiful things he had ever seen.

"Do you mind if I sit here? Every table is taken." Seokjin looked up and saw an older men, not Korean but it seem he spoke very well.

"Yes please do." Seokjin gestured to the empty seat in front of him.

"Thank you! I always come to this restaurant when I visit.m though I haven't been in years."

"When was the last time?"

"Back in 1995." The man laughed, his eyes crinkled on the sides from age.

"Oh wow! You've been here for a long time!"

"No I don't live here, but I know people. I'm here on a special visit to some very special people." Seokjin looked at the men and for some reason, he seemed familiar, but he couldn't place him.

"Anyways, this place has the best food here in Seoul!" Seokjin smiled at the man's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, my brothers and I come here every time we come to Seoul."

"Oh that's nice! Are you here by yourself?"

"Yes I'm actually leaving tomorrow."

They kept their friendly conversation as they ate, but something about the man just seemed so familiar to Seokjin.


After great food and great conversation, Seokjin spent the rest of the day around the city. Then at night he went back to his hotel.

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