Chapter 48

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**Bold means it was said in mind link**

The Alpha woke up in the middle of the night when the protective and distortion spell around his pack grounds broke. The spell is always connected to the alpha, for cases like this.

He immediately got up, the Luna also felling  something for she's bonded as well.

"Honey, wake the boys and Ji-ah, something just broke the barrier." The Luna nodded her head, flashbacks of previous attacks on her mind. This wasn't the first one, but it was the first in 25 years.

The Alpha rushed out the house alerting his Beta and his Gammas about what happened. They proceeded to sound the alarm, alerting its people of a break-in. The pack members went into a slight panic, but everyone had been trained in attack situations.

At the sound of the alarm, the Beta activated protective barriers around every house in the pack. The protective barriers provide a shield against anyone whose intentions are to harm. It'll also protect against elements being used to infiltrate the houses.

Everyone has 30 seconds to get into a house before the barriers activate. While the Beta, and 20 of their most trained soldiers rushed to the Alphas house.

The Alpha was alert, waiting patiently for his warriors to arrive. He listened, for something, anything to sound out of place but he only found the quickened heart beats of its people and everyone taking cover.

The Luna came out to stand beside him, stance ready for whatever could attack.

Jimin, Jungkook and Eun-ji also stepped out the house.

"What are they doing out here!?" The Alpha couldn't help raise his voice when he saw three of his kids come out as well.

"We are not going back! We need to be here and fight with you!" Jimin answered the agitated Alpha.

"Hun, it's ok, they are not kids anymore." She reached over to grab his hand and give it a squeeze. The Alpha could feel his nerves calm down at the touch of his mate.

"But we need to protect them! They need more protection than any of us. We can't fail the Moon Goddess!"

The Alpha felt worried. He needed to protect them. He could die but not them.

"Dad, it's fine! We have the special abilities remember? We need to focus on what's going on." The Alpha took a look at Jungkook, feeling a sense of proudnesses take over.

His pups had grown up to be extraordinary and nothing would take that knowledge away from him.

"Ok but if there's any type of danger you three need to promise me you will leave."

"Dad, we can't do that! How are we going to leave both of you behind!"

"Ji-ah, that's an order. For all three of you! If there's anything that can put you three in danger you run, and seek shelter." His eyes shined red and the command in his sentence settled in all three of their bodies.

Soon enough everyone arrived at the house and surround the Alpha and Luna, creating a half circle around them both.

"Sir! I've dispatched five intels to patrol the border to see where the infiltration happened." His Beta said as soon as he stood in front of him.

"Good, have them report to you. Ten need to go to stand around the borderline of the town. I don't want anything getting into here. Also two at the mating house. Anything, I mean anything that's out of place needs to be reported immediately." Everyone nodded their heads before rushing our to their respective spots.

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