Chapter 16

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Eun-ji shuddered as Jimin dragged her through the portal. She never really liked portal traveling as conveniently as it was. It always disturbed her senses, especially her hearing. Her ears always popped from the pressure.

She felt her skin get engulfed in cold air. As she eyes caught up to the change of scenery, she noticed how absolutely beautiful the park looked.

They had been transported to the side of a mountain. It was covered in snow, down below she could see the vast flat plains surrounded by grass, trees and wild life. She could also see the trails made by the humans.

"Wow dad really put us away from everything." Her thoughts were interrupted by Jimin as he also took a look around.

The snow beneath them was soft as they walked away from the portal and waited for the others.

"This place is absolutely beautiful." Jimin looked around and saw the sun was still touching the peaks of the mountains. He looked up and saw an even bigger mountain than the one they had stepped on.

Eun-ji sat there in awe as well. It was beyond what she had imagined. The mountains were huge. She saw a lake at the bottom of the mountains, very far off from where they landed. She licked her lips thinking about all the yummy food down there.

"Good thing we brought cloths huh?" She jumped as Yoongi's voice came from beside her. She looked at his gummy smile then back to see the others were all there, portal vanished.

"It's really cold up here to make camp, we should head down to the bottom of the mountain, get to feel some grass." Everyone agreed with Namjoon's words.

Before leaving, Seokjin dug the snow out till he reached the ground, placed his hand on the ground and closed his eyes.

"What's he doing?" Eun-ji leaned closer to Yoongi and whispered, afraid to disrupt the oldest.

"He is marking this place so we can find it later. Your brother here is one of the best trackers out there."

"Wait, just by touching the ground?"

"Yep, he has this ability to sync up with what he touches. It's like it becomes a part of him, thus he can reach out with his senses and find his way, no matter how far."

She was baffled. Beyond anything she has heard.

"Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook can do the same. Jimin, Taehyung and I can hide our scents on demand, which makes us really good at hiding and infiltrating places." Yoongi continued.

"So you are practically wolf spies?"

Jimin laughed as he put his arm around his sister.

"You can pretty much say that but don't tell anyone else. Only mom, dad and of course us know about it. And now you." Jimin reached up and ruffle her hair.

"Hold on, you all have like super powers?" She saw her brother dismiss her statement like it was nothing.

"Well can you do anything else?"

"Ummm I can.. I can grow my claws and produce a venom. I haven't developed it to where it kills but it can paralyze for a couple of hours." Eun-ji felt her mouth drop at Taehyung new information.

"I can heal. It's like I can channel my energy through my hands and heal. Not that it matters too much because we heal quickly but for like sore muscles or even headaches I can make them go away." Hoseok pitched in.

"I have a connection to nature. It's hard to explain but it's like I can feel the energy and life of plants." She looked over at Namjoon who had a sheepish smile.

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