Chapter 57

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"Twice within a week.... Should I be happy I'm seeing you again." He didn't lift his head to meet his eyes. He didn't need to; he recognized him by his scent.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me you planned to attack?!"

"I guess it was a good thing you didn't get the tattoo huh?" He finally gathered the strength to look up.

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"The same reason you didn't tell me your girlfriend was the inbreed..... you knew before me who they were! And you didn't tell me! Lucky for you, you hadn't gotten the tattoo. Have you told them you knew about the hunters? That you were ready to join us? And to think you could had been the one to kill them." Santos voice was cold.

Erick felt the guilt come back. The three months before Eun-ji's birthday he spent home were because his father introduced him to their hidden history. He knew of the book, the legend, the bonds, and he was going to join the hunters, but not until after Eun-ji's birthday, so he could take her with him.

"How did it make you feel to know she was going to be their slut and not yours?"

"I hate you. Not because of this but because of mom! How could you have killed her!? She was your mate!"

"She asked me to. She said if I loved her I would kill her and spare her the pain of seeing me a monster."

"No! You are wrong! My mother was strong and better than that!"

"That's were you are wrong! She was weak! And she died in defeat! Like a coward!"

Erick felt his body run cold, he wanted to go into that cell and rip his heart out, but he withheld.

"Luckily for you, everyone believes you."

"Fuck you! I made a choice! I chose the right path!" Erick remembers the panic when the Moon Goddess visited him. He remembers the denial. The breakup was purely caused by his dilemma. But in the end, he couldn't choose the hunters over his love for Eun-ji. So he chose to protect her instead of joining his father.

He didn't think he would attack after her birthday. He thought maybe, once his father realized who they were, he would hesitate to act. He thought him to be a good and justice man.

But now, Hoseok is unresponsive and every one is torn.

"Have fun killing your brothers."

"No! The people here are my family! The minute you decided to kill your mate, my mother, we became nothing! It was just a matter of time before the truth came out."

"She's got you wrapped around her finger, doesn't she? Was her pussy that good to eat out?" Erick's eyes flashed their red as he lost control. He went up to the bars and started to punch them, trying to break them so he could go into the cell to kill that bastard.

The guards that had let him be alone with his father rushed back down when they heard the commotion, catching him right when he broke four bars from his anger. They had to tackle Erick down and call more guards to keep him down.

The only thing Santos did was laugh.


Eun-ji was tending to Erick's injuries. Not that he needed to, they had almost healed, but she needed to make sure he was ok.

She could feel the guilt soaking him up, but she didn't ask. So She just massaged his hands.

"I knew."

Eun-ji looked up to meet Erick's desperate expression, "when I left before your birthday, yes it was to get our home started in my pack grounds but my father revealed our history back then. I was going to join them once you could come back with me."

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