Chapter 44

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Yoongi's wolf seemed to know where to go before his mind caught up. Something about them leaving scared him. He didn't know why but it was a dreadful heavy feeling on his chest.

He sprinted towards the only pathway leading to the pack ground's exit. They had to be there. He needed to make sure they weren't going to leave.

His legs were restless, not giving up, no matter how hot his body felt. A wave was getting ready to hit, but surprisingly he was focused.

Until his steps came to a brutal stop.

Lingering smells unfocused his attention. He could smell a very strong lavender scent, hitting him harder than the others. There was that sweet caramel and soft lilac his mind recognized as his brothers, but that at the moment, unmistakably, these scents screamed mate at him. He almost, almost didn't pick up the rose water scent, if it wasn't for the sourness clinging onto the delicious fresh scent.

This can't be.

His steps began to waver when he recognized these scents as his mates.

The lavender scent, especially was drowning him, making him want to attack the younger. He felt his canines sharpen, the lust take over his body and the need, the raw need to sink his teeth and mark his mate.

Yoongi felt his stomach revolt at his instincts. The acidic vile burned his throat at the thought of marking his brother. His head felt dizzy and he felt his legs stumble, almost falling to the ground.

He didn't understand anything. Nothing made sense anymore. How are four of this brothers his mates? How did it just happen now?

Memories flashed through his mind. Their very first reaction to Erick, the need to protect her. How they all seem to want to gravitate towards each other. The confusion. Everything came crashing towards Yoongi, making his chest feel like a thousand rocks hit him.

He could feel the panic attack happening, but he closed his eyes and focused on the scents around him. They were his anchor.

His head felt lightheaded, but he pushed through and focused on them.

His mates.

He conceal his scent, never being more grateful for his ability. Abilities he now noticed were only shared among his brothers.

Could the others be his mates too? He remembered the lingering gazes everyone had shared these past few weeks, could it be?

No, it couldn't. His wolf was seriously lost and crazy.

Yes, crazy.

But he still followed the scents, concealing his scent and his infiltrating was one of his forte's.

The clearing started to appear but he made his way hiding between the trees. His mind began to slip more and more as the scents became stronger, instincts begin, yelling at him to go and meet them. But his logic wouldn't allow it.

However reality submerged him in its depths when he laid eyes on them. How perfect they seemed. Their scents combined together to make a mouthwatering desire, a hunger consuming his passion. Everything he thought about mates was a lie, because they never told him just how much his skin would burn, how much his chest would swell up for them, how much protection he wanted to give.

Now his gravity, his sanity, his sun and his air were them. Those three became his life. Everything shifted to them, to cater to them. In an instant he knew he would died protecting them. He would give everything he is up to them, for them to cherish or throw away, it didn't matter. It only mattered them.

Yoongi felt the pull of the bond. It made him want to go up. He saw Hoseok fell to the ground, his body almost launching to go help. But he saw how Jimin and Jungkook held onto him as they walked. He noticed how much Hoseok's scent affected them. Their hesitation to touch him, how their gazes flashes for a second with desire. The crackling energy that surrounded them.

But he couldn't bring himself to accept it. These were his fucking brothers. The ones he had seen grow up. The ones he loved.

His mind was playing tricks in him. Maybe his ability to see was playing one of the most disturbing tricks, and he would wake up.

Yoongi wanted to go after them, the pull of the bond screaming at him to go to them.

To his mates.

But he didn't. He couldn't. Against every fiber in his body, he turned around and ran. He ran, not caring where, just away from them. His mind began to slip into an abyss, but he needed to get away. His body throbbed with the pain of his rut, exhaustion finally catching up to him.

The wave hit him harder than any. His body burned with the need to turn back. To just be in their presence. To have something with their smells attached to it. To just gaze upon their beauty.

He fell to the ground when his body pulsed with the need for them. He could feel his cock swell up at the thought of mating them, of locking himself in their depths as his cum swelled their bellies.

"Well look at what we have found."

Yoongi didn't recognize the voice. He couldn't pay attention to the words, everything was too hazy.

"Is he one of them?" Yoongi's mind cleared up a little at the threat his instincts were telling him was present. He felt the disgust in the words being spoken at him.

"Yeah. It would seem today definitely is our lucky day. Bring him!"

Yoongi groaned at pain struck his head as someone yanked his head back.

"You're fucking disgusting! An abomination to the clan!" Yoongi felt his ribs be kicked, "fucking transform back incest!"

His body was too weak and the second kick didn't help. He groaned and tried to bite whoever was pulling his fur.

"The little bitch has guts. Beat his ass but don't kill him. We need to take him with us."


"....So we don't know these smells Sir."

The Alpha looked over at his Luna, clearly she didn't look comfortable, but then it was only expected.

"Search the area and report back to me. Be on the look out for clues or anything that may lead us to who might be infiltrating our grounds."

Everyone bowed to their Alpha and Luna before disappearing into the woods.

"Don't worry my love, it's probably just rouges." He went up to her and kissed her temple, before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Everything is so messed up."

"Don't worry, it'll fix itself."

"I can't believe Seokjin left."

The Alpha huffed at his Luna, "That boy won't be able to make it half way before he's back. Do you really think he's going to be able to walk way from his mates? After meeting with them?"

The Luna let out a deep breath.

"Don't sweat it my love. Everything is going to be alright. Everyone goes through the phase of acceptance differently. The boys won't be able to be away from each other. Haven't you been paying attention to them?"

"Of course I have! But it still makes me feel guilty. It's all my fault for—"

"Ok I'm going to stop you right there my love. You are not guilty for what is going on. We both thought it was over. She stopped doing this a long time ago. We just need to trust in our Goddess and don't worry about them. They will come to terms with this."

"But it doesn't make me feel better. Everything is different now."

"Baby, I understand how you feel. It feels like they aren't our kids. They were never meant to, not by blood anyways. But they are still ours, because we have loved them. Because they have flourished with our guidance."

The Alpha took his Luna and gave her a gentle kiss. "It's ok my love, everything will turned out for the better. I promise."

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