Chapter 31

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Most of them were not mad anymore. They understood why Erick did what he did.

Yoongi had been right. He had explained his suspicion to the rest of his brothers. He explained how things happened back at the training house. He showed them images of how hurt Erick looked. But what they couldn't figure out was why?

Then when they finally saw him, rage covered their common sense. Looking back at it, they stepped out of line confronting him out in the open, creating a disturbance within their community.

But rage and their protection for their sister was far more stronger. Then between the chaos they were given the answered they so desperately seeked for.


He had found his mate.

A very beautiful and skilled alpha. An alpha capable of snapping Taehyung's shoulder and punching Jimin, meaning she was well trained and a deadly hunter.

Beating any of them was an accomplishment on its own. She stood up to all seven of them and put two of them in their rightful place.

She had made an outstanding impression on them. Even Taehyung couldn't comprehend how fast she had come in between him and Erick. She was the answer to their questions and to their sister's pain.

Mate. She was his destiny.

But then they watched how Eun-ji ran to his arms and how easily Erick dismissed his mate for their sister. And their pain came back.

Despite how hurt they felt seeing Eun-ji heartbroken, they were happy because he was out of her life.

They were selfish with her, more than with anyone else. They would rather see her broken than to be filled with unexplainable jealousy.

Just what was wrong this them?

It felt like all those days they spent with her meant nothing. In that instant, all their progress fell through. Progress towards what, they didn't know.

She ran to his arms, she worried for him, she glared at them while Erick took Eun-ji away from them.


Are they going to reject their mates just to be with each other? The thought crossed all their minds with a terrifying scenario. Why would it matter if she stayed with him?

They thought she was going to be mad at them but instead she came back to talked. No screaming, no tears, no anger. They just talked. She was disappointing in what she saw them do but she was thankful to them. It meant she could always count with their help.

Eun-ji walked up to each of her brothers and gave them a hug. She tried to emphasize her gratitude for them in each of their embraces. They didn't know why, but their instincts were over the moon in having her recognized their attempts at protecting her.

If Eun-ji was being honest, she wanted Erick to suffer somehow, as a payback for what he did, but then his own knight in chiming armor rescued him. His mate.

They were grateful said new found mate was so kind to their sister. Not only was she gorgeous on the outside but more beautiful on the inside. She gave their sister enough space to take care of her ex-boyfriend and apparently they patched things up because here they are, in front of the seven, having dinner together like nothings wrong.

They knew Eun-ji went to talk to Erick. But what they didn't expect was for him to show up to dinner, like always, both sporting smiles. Not to mention everyone could clearly smell how strong their scents were on each other.

The Luna was more than happy to be feeding Erick. He was so important to them and she was happy her daughter had finally accepted things. It made the Luna proud to see how much Eun-ji had matured over the past few years.

The Alpha was happy as well. He always considered Erick his son and now more than ever. Those two would never be separated and it brought the Alpha comfort knowing his little girl would be save.

"Shouldn't you be with your mate?" Seokjin couldn't understand just how Erick is sitting in front of him. He should be with his mate. Was he not happy? Seokjin was about to hit his 30s and still no mate. Did he not know how lucky he is to have found his one and only? Why is Erick being selfish and acting like nothing has changed with his sister?

"She told me she was going to go eat with some friends she met. She was excited about it so I didn't want to interrupt her plans." Erick shrug his shoulders.

"Are you going to reject her?" Jungkook's voice was full of curiosity.

"No Kook. Things were just complicated when we meet but I think we can have a fresh start."

"So in the mean time you're just going to mess with my sister?"


"It's true Mom! Don't you smell them? It's clear they have been makin—"

"We needed to talk! There were many things we needed to discuss. I have not made any promises to my mate, I'm not with her. I wanted to end things right before I start anything with her Jimin."

Jimin rolled his eyes at Erick.

"Right, and that's why you both are drenched in each others scents. What do you think your mate would think if she smells you right now? Both of you? She's going to be heartbroken!"

"Jimin! It's enough! They had to straighten things between them, I'm sure this won't happen again! Let them be!"

Jimin didn't want to be disrespectful to his mom so he stayed quiet.

"I understand what you mean Jimin. Yes, she is doing to be heartbroken when she smells me. But your sister and I had to talk. We probably shouldn't have kiss but my love for her is not gone, nor is hers."

"But you have your mate! Don't be selfish!" Seokjin jumped in.

"Brother, yes I do have a mate! But me meeting her doesn't guarantee love! I'm in love with your sister and I have to let her go so I can be with my mate and hope I find love with her. You should understand more than anyone! Don't you have a girlfriend! What's going to happen when you find your mate?"

Seokjin was brought to reality. He did have a girlfriend. A beautiful soul he had slowly forgotten about while being here with his family. Erick was right. If he does managed to find his mate, what about Chao-xing? Would be he responsible for breaking her heart again? For managing to kill her once and for all?

"We needed to talk and say our farewells. I don't see how we did anything wrong." Eun-ji finally spoked. She had held her tongue, not wanting to put more wood into the fire, but she was not going to be disrespectful by them again.

"We did what anyone would have done. So what! We kissed? It was our last goodbye kiss! We have been dating for almost three years now! You can not just expect us to just throw it all way in an instant?"

"Guys, please let's just drop this. Things are already complicated for you to act like you don't understand their motives." Their mother looked at the group of young men.

Of course they understood. But it irritated them to know the talk they had was just a make out.

Jimin, Seokjin and Jungkook were beyond irritated. Their bodies felt hot.

"C'mom Jiminie, Gu-ah, hyung, let's all eat yeah?" Hoseok tried to smile at them to lighten their moods up. He reached over to ruffle Jungkook's hair when he felt it.

The heat.

The burning of his skin.

How cound they have forgotten! It's the middle of April, spring started two weeks ago.

"Ummmm, Kookie?" Hoseok reached over and touched his neck, feeling how hot he felt.

He reached over beside Jungkook and touched Jimin. He felt the same.

"Guys, I think your rut is coming in."

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